PO BOX 900
    WILLIAMSON NY 14589­0900
    May 24, 2002
    During announcements and committee reports, Board of Education members reported on their most recent activities.
    Laurie Verbridge has been busy working with the Bicentennial Committee, Gretchen Craft reported on her
    attendance at the Middle School Festival of the Arts and Transportation Dept. Recognition Breakfast. Board Vice
    President, Bill Herbert reported on his recent attendance at a Buildings & Grounds and Finance Sub­Committee
    meeting. Deb Larson reported on a recent Special Education Conference she had attended and Board President,
    Richard Jordan spoke of his attendance at the Town Park Committee. The Superintendent recognized the three
    Elenbee award winners: Ethan R
    ehor, Marnie Baxter, and Angela Proderick. The three were recognized for their
    performances in the High School musical this spring. Also, recognized were the four Hoffman Essay Award
    winners: Lisabeth Hoffman, Kris Young, Taylor Delhagen, and Chelsea Manahan.
    Reports to the Board included the passage of CSE cases and annual reviews. Each Building Principal reviewed their
    reports. Elementary School Principal Anne Ressler reported on the Elementary School musical,
    Tom Sawyer
    , and
    guided reading strategies. Both Middle School and High School Principals, Russ Kissinger and Dan Starr, reported
    on the failure rates for 3
    quarter in their respective buildings. A discussion on improvements to dates and plans
    for future improvements followed.
    Under Old Business, an update was given on the testing of the wooden playground. Results are expected later this
    week. In the meantime, the playground remains closed. An additional salary stipend was approved for Ken Lee
    who will assume the duties of purchasing agent for the remainder of the school year. The Board also passed a
    resolution abolishing the position of Assistant Superintendent for Business.
    A policy to define eligibility for transportation on school buses was discussed. After referring to NYS Education
    Law, a decision was made on proper wording. This policy will undergo a second reading at the June 22
    The following teachers and teachers assistants were congratulated and granted tenure:
    Emily Bunting
    David Bruinix
    Brian Steurrys
    Paula Dobesh
    Nancy DeFranco
    Deanne Ginett
    Brian Weeden
    Mary Thomas
    Jamie Welker
    Barbara Tomeno
    Thomas Hollembaek was granted an extension to his probationary period.
    Both the extension of the Superintendent’s contract and the Civil Service Employees Contract were approved. Also
    approved were the Administrative and Confidential salaries for 2002­2003.
    After some discussion, the Board passed a resolution for the advanced refunding of two current bonds and
    announced their intent to accept proposals for the refunding of these bonds. This action was necessitated by a new
    state law which extends the time over which the State reimburses schools for building projects. The refunding will
    keep the payment of bonds parallel with the payments received from the State. The Board will hear proposals at a
    June meeting and make a decision at that time.

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