1. Charts from RIC meeting 2-1-2002
    1. Staff Development – Essential Elements
      1. Flexible schedule – vertical/horizontal

Charts from RIC meeting 2-1-2002
7-12 Configuration buildings
·   Shared staff
·   Physical plant

Staff Development – Essential Elements

Staff Development – Essential Elements

Flexible schedule – vertical/horizontal

Flexible schedule – vertical/horizontal
·   Retention
·   Sort/select
·   Lower expectations – L1/L2
·   Middle School θ More like High School
·   Gather and use data
·   Alternative Assessments – no finals
·   Open communication (5-8)
·   Change use of time
·   AIS – help
·   Special Education – improve
·   Loss of teacher time
·   Emphasis on Grade 8 only
·   Not focused on social/emotional
·   Data Analysis θ Practical use – What does it mean?
·   Middle School teachers – best practices – internal capacity
·   Support sustain administration
·   Too many requirements Grades 6-8
·   Staff Development – instructional strategies
·   Social Emotional/Behavioral needs – equal focus

·   Premature evaluation
·   Too much emphasis on academic
·   Assess and evaluate all 7 Essential Elements
Educational leadership is essential
·   Monies – successful Middle School – Academic/Social/Emotional
·   Transition
·   Communication
·   Parent β€œbuy-in” to Middle School concept
Why is High School more successful?
·   Coming in more prepared
·   Current alignment
·   Staff development
·   Progressive evaluation
·   Instruction
·   Goal setting
·   Rigor
·   Reflection on practice
·   Interdisciplinary opportunity
·   Teacher/student/parent/administration stress
·   Testing is not the only measure of success
·   No monies – mandates
·   AIS – limit opportunity for alternative interest

Middle School evaluation (SURR model)
·   Criteria is explicit
·   More collaboration/discussion
·   Time to do the work – balance monies, staff development, loss of instruction time
·   Essential Elements (K-12)
·   Teacher most important θ student achievement
·   Student work
·   Multiple layers of work – (change instruction)
·   Assessment:
Ψ   Need to integrate all areas
Ψ   Collaboration
Ψ   Rigor
Ψ   Emphasis – reading
Ψ   Teach to test
·   Lack of teacher training – standards – preparation
·   Disparity – Middle School philosophy
·   Middle School staff development – needs of student
·   Middle School philosophy – agreement
·   SED – help β€œbuy-in” of all 7 Essential Elements – not just academic requirements
·   Monies and time barriers to implement philosophy
Ψ   Extend time
Ψ   Team
Ψ   Blocks
Ψ   Professional Development – instructional strategies
Assessments: (create anxiety – not able to focus on all aspects)
Ψ   performance – extended task
Ψ   Alignment of curriculum
Ψ   Conversations – focused attention
Ψ   Focus/format – curriculum development

Process: Implement 7 Essential Elements – give it time
Quality teachers – key to Essential Elements (K-12)
Parental/Community support – inform changes
Cultural barriers θ change
Assessments not used effectively for planning
SEDβ€”Scoring parallel to Regents?
7-12 – Where to start?
6/7-12 Buildings – share staff, etc.
Ψ   Assessments not measures of Elements
Ψ   How to measure?
Ψ   Time focused on assessments – not able to do other things
Ψ   How to use data? Teachers? What does it mean? How can we use it?
Ψ   Awareness of 7 Essential Elements? New staff?

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