PO BOX 900
    WILLIAMSON NY 14589­0900
    April 25, 2002
    The consent agenda included the appointment of Chris Castellan as Marching Band Instructor
    and Pam Sonneville as Chief Inspector for the May Budget Vote.
    The Board approved a number of CSE Case Summaries and heard a report on assessments made
    by Director of Curriculum, Wendy Feeney. They examined test questions for the Grade 8 NYS
    Math and ELA exams and examined Williamson student’s responses to these questions. Next,
    Linda Barber reported on proposed upgrades to the High School soccer field from the Civic
    Betterment Association. This work would need to begin in the next few weeks if the field is to
    be ready for Fall play.
    A first reading of an updated policy on field trips was read. The update mandates that a written
    request for alternate transportation to or from a field trip or sporting event must be obtained from
    a parent.
    Under New Business, the Board approved the BOCES Administrative Budget for 2002­03 and
    cast three ballots for the election of three BOCES Board of Education trustees. The Board also
    approved the 2002­03 school budget for Williamson. The budget includes a 3.06% increase in
    expenditures. The proposed tax rate for the Town of Williamson residents is 6.29%. The main
    increases in spending are for salary and health insurance increases. This budget also includes the
    elimination of two teaching positions, an administrative position, support staff positions and a
    50% decrease in staff development and curriculum writing. The revenue from New York State is
    still uncertain, but this proposed tax rate leaves the State’s share at the level proposed by the
    Governor in January. Once a New York State budget is adopted, the tax rate may be adjusted.
    At the conclusion of the regular meeting audience members commented on the budget and
    budget process.

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