PO BOX 900
    WILLIAMSON NY 14589­0900
    March 28, 2002
    Last night’s Board of Education Meeting began with a presentation by the District’s Librarians –
    Kay Gray, Juanita Verstraete and Mary Jo TenEyck. They included two elementary storytellers
    that repeated their award­winning performances. Next, the Librarians presented information on
    their programs and their work this year through a multi
    ­ media presentation. They also shared
    some written materials detailing their programs.
    After their presentation, the Board shared their recent activities and committee meetings.
    Gretchen Craft attended the district­wide Music Concert. Deb Larson attended the Strategic
    Planning Workshop. Bill Herbert spoke of attending the 8
    Grade Parent Orientation and Laurie
    Verbridge spoke of attending a High School debate on the County Sale Tax Issue. Board
    President, Bucky Jordan, commented on the positive teamwork exhibited at the Middle School
    Talent Show and shared information from a recent Town Park Committee Meeting.
    Under the Consent Agenda David Hayden was appointed as a long­term substitute for Perry
    Plyter, who will be out on an extended medical leave.
    Reports to the Board included a summary of the NYS School Report Card results by Director of
    Curriculum and Instruction, Wendy Feeney. Williamson students exceeded the State
    benchmarks in all reported areas. Each principal reported on recent happenings in their
    buildings. The High School Report focused on extra­curricular activiti
    es, the Middle School on
    the Medieval Festival and the Elementary on the recent Artist­ in­Residence presentations.
    Under Old Business, the Board approved the first reading of a policy on fund­raising and
    completed second readings on health policies.
    Under New Business, the Board approved the Girl’s Softball Team Trip to Myrtle Beach in April
    and approved the addition of a Bus Purchase Reserve Proposition to the May ballot. This Bus
    Purchase Reserve will replace the existing fund and will be used to purchase buses over the next
    3 years at no expense to taxpayers.
    The last item of New Business was to share with the Board a proposal for Special Education
    Reading Services for the 2002­2003 school year. The proposal calls for every reading disabled
    student in the district to have a diagnostic prescriptive work plan for reading in place for the
    After discussion of this plan, the Board recessed into Executive Session.

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