1. 6. Attachments
  2. a. POLICY Committee Meeting Minutes

March 28, 2002
Greetings from Wayne Central School District.
Below are some items of interest.
Board Meeting:

1. Special Board Meeting – At our last board meeting, we tabled some issues due to the late hour, that require discussion. The board will be asked to take action on the substitute rates that were discussed at previous meetings. The board will also need to discuss the board letter/agenda distribution process and make a decision on the medium they prefer. As noted, we will be conducting as executive session to continue our budget discussion. If you have any thing you would like to discuss with me prior to next Wednesday’s meeting, please give me a call. I have asked all administrators to be present at the meeting.


2. Board Direction – In listening to the Board discussion last night, I believe my directions to be as follows:


a. Reduce technology equipment budget by an additional $120,000 delaying purchasing any computers until next year.


b. Use the savings to determine what level III and level II items should be returned to the budget.


c. Keep the tax increase to no more than 9.2% (majority opinion). Try to use some of the money to reduce the budget to 8.4% (sizeable minority opinion). Translation: Try to do both b and c, if possible, getting budget down to 8.4%- 9.2% range.


d. The Board does not want to pick individual programs to keep or cut. Rather, they expect the administration to take these board directions and make the best educational decisions for children.


e. Consider feasibility of adding $500,000 +- to building project for additional computer purchases.


3. Computers scheduled to be replaced:


Computers Purchased Size Drives
18 IBM’s at OP 3/97 100 mhz 1 GB
17 IBM’s at FE 3/97 100 mhz 1 GB
1 IBM at MS 3/97 100 mhz 1 GB
Total 36      
56 HP’s at HS 9/97 166 mhz 1GB
24 HP’s at MS 7/96 100 mhz 1 GB
17 HP’s at MS 9/97 166 mhz 1 GB
12 HP’s at OE 9/97 166 mhz 1 GB
33 HP’s at OP 9/97 166 mhz 1 GB
21 HP’s at FE 9/97 166 mhz 1 GB
Total 176      

I have talked to the majority of our administrators this morning about our decision not to replace any of these machines, and to add back programs instead. They understood our position and wholeheartedly supported the decision.


1.   Music in our Schools Concerts – Over the past two weeks district-wide band and chorus concerts were held in coordination with Music in our Schools month. I am sure many of you were in attendance and noted the very crowded auditorium, particularly at the choral concert. While it is wonderful that we have so many students involved in music and that they enjoy so much support from their community, the situation clearly presented some concerns. The capacity crowd exceeded our fire code limits. Blocking the aisles with performers added to the fire safety issue. Cars were parked on the road and driveways, causing another safety concern. I do appreciate the planning and coordination that went into the event by our music department and the quality of our young performers.

Mr. Sousa and I met briefly to discuss some of these issues the night of the concert and are scheduled to meet next week in order for me to give him direction in the development of a plan for next year. I am confident those problems will be resolved.
I must tell you that I was surprised that an incident that occurred one night would become a formal agenda item for the board the following night. While I believe it may be a predictable reaction, it undermines the responsibility you place on the administration for confronting problems and dealing with them. As a Board of Education that only meets twice a month, do you really want to make it one of your duties to manage how concerts are organized? I know you want to make sure they are well planned. If they aren’t you need to take me to task for it. But if you really want to continue to be an effective Board and not slide back to where you were four years ago, keep that big picture focus. Determine what the district priorities are. Be sure I know where you expect the district to be and what our children must achieve, but resist the temptation to manage the details. As superintendent, I am not even going to manage how that night is organized. I am going to set criteria with Tom and approve the plan after his department develops it. However I hold him responsible for sorting those details out. E-mail me or call me if you have a concern. Ask me if I’m working to solve the issue, but be careful of making it one of your agenda items. Otherwise it will easily consume the precious time you have to chart the course for this d

2.   BOCES Board Nominations – BOCES has received the following Certificates of Nomination for the three board seats that will be open as of July 1, 2002:
· Lynn Gay, Dundee Central School District (received 2/15/02)
· Clay Bishop, North Rose-Wolcott Central School District (received 3/5/02)
· Nancy Scher, Penn Yan Central School District (received 3/7/02)
· Patrick Crowe, Clyde-Savannah Central School District (received 3/15/02). However, this person is not eligible. According to education law, each school district may only nominate one person from the home district. Clyde-Savannah already has a person serving on the BOCES board. Each year every person on the board is technically nominated for election by the component boards via prior vote.
3.   MS Musical – The Middle School is presenting their first theatrical production (at least in recent years) on April 5, 6 and 7 at the high school performing arts center. The musical, “The Pirates of Penzance” is a comedy performed by a lively group of nearly 70 middle school students. Performances are at 7:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday evening and at 2:00 on Sunday.
4.   District Boundary Change Request – We received a letter from an attorney for a resident who owns property on County Line Road. The property is split between the towns of Webster and Ontario. This letter was sent to both the Wayne and Webster Superintendent of Schools. In order to make a boundary line change, it requires the approval of both district’s Boards of Education, the WFL and Genesee BOCES Superintendent’s. While the impact in this one isolated case is insignificant, it has long been the policy of school districts not to make these changes without compelling proof that it is solely in the child’s best educational interest. The potential danger lies in the precedence that would be set. Once you take that first step, you open the door for any boundary property owner to request a change solely because it is inconvenient. Therefore, I am not recommending we support the request of this property owner.
5.   Events -
April 2 – Red Ribbon Task Force Meeting – Freewill Elementary School – 4:00 p.m.
April 2 – Four County School Boards mtg. - General Membership
   Club 86, Geneva, 5:30 social – 6:30 dinner – 7:30 program
5:45 Executive Council Meeting- Four County Budget Discussion
Program: “Policy Governance” and “High Schools That Work”
Please let Lori know if you are interested in attending.
April 4 – National Honor Society Talent Show – Performing Arts Center – 7:00 p.m.
April 8 – Facilities Committee Meeting - Board Room – 3:30 p.m.
April 8 – HS PTSA Meeting – High School - 7:00 p.m.
April 11 – Four County School Bds – Newark
Safe Schools and Strong Communities Steering Committee
 April 11 – Policy Committee Meeting – Board Room – 4:00 p.m.
April 24 – BOCES Budget Vote -

 4/3 - Varsity Baseball vs. Waterloo @ 4:15 p.m.
 4/3 – Varsity Softball vs. Waterloo @ 4:15 p.m.
 4/5 – JV Boys’ Tennis vs. Penn Yan @ 4:15 p.m.
 4/8 – JV Boys’ Tennis vs. Waterloo @ 4:15 p.m.
 4/9 – Varsity Baseball vs. Midlakes @ 4:15 p.m.
 4/9 – Varsity Softball vs. Midlakes @ 4:15 p.m.

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6.   Attachments

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a. POLICY Committee Meeting Minutes

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DATE: Thursday, March 26, 2002 TIME: 4:00 p.m. PLACE: District Office

PRESENT:     Trustees Triou & Lyke, Mr. Havens, Mr. Switzer, Mr. Blankenberg
ABSENT:   Trustee Ratcliffe  
PRIOR MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of March 12, 2002 were filed as presented.
Progress Report – Code of Conduct Committee: Mr. Blankenberg, director of athletics and physical education, provided a progress report on the efforts of the code of conduct committee in review of the portions of §5300 that relate to student eligibility and conduct for interscholastic and extra-curricular activities. They are also consulting with the staff committee now studying the revised Commissioner’s Regulations on student attendance in classes. Note was made that Mrs. Lyke is serving as trustee liaison to the attendance regulation review committee.
Annual Review – Existing Policy §5000: Committee members completed the annual review started at prior committee meeting of existing policy handbook §5000 and determined that no revisions are need unless the code of conduct or attendance committees have recommendations for revisions.
Annual Review – Existing Policy §4000: Committee members completed the annual review of existing policy handbook §4000 and noted necessary revisions. Committee agreed to present these revisions for first reading @ the April 10th Board of Education meeting: Mr. Switzer to prepare.
Annual Review – Existing Policy §3000: Committee members completed the annual review of existing policy handbook §3000 and determined that no revisions are necessary.
Annual One-Third Review Completed: Review of these three sections completes the committee’s current year effort to review three (3) sections each school year.
Progress Report – Erie #1 BOCES Policy Update Service: Mr. Triou noted communications with Mrs. Hans re: final draft copies of reviews completed to date by the committee. Mr. Switzer is completing edit of existing policy to proposed items for continuity.

Thursday, April 11, 2002 @ 4:00 p.m. @ the District Office (w/ Mrs. Hans, Erie #1 BOCES)
Tuesday, May 7, 2002 @ 4:00 p.m. @ the District Office
Thursday, May 30, 2002 @ 4:00 p.m. @ the District Office
Discussion of: Review §8000 (Erie #1) for comments to Nancy Hans
● Discussion on: Feedback on §5300.1 to §5300.12 & Annual Review of §5000 (Existing Policy)
Status Report: Review of Needed Regulations (existing policy)
Status Report: Attendance Regulations Review Committee Input (existing policy)
ADJOURNMENT:     5:30 p.m.             Recorded by Jim Switzer

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