1. Att. a
  3. Att. c
    1. Office of Human Resources
        1. PLEASE POST      BY:……………………………
  7. ayne Central Schools

March 22, 2002
“Let your intentions create your methods and not the other way around.” - - - Benjamin Franklin
Greetings from Wayne Central School District.
Below are some items of interest.
Board Meeting:

1. Wayne Wrestler Mike Patterson – State finalist Mike Patterson will be introduced at the Board meeting by athletic director Marc Blankenberg. Marc will present him with a recognition plaque.


2. Action Item – We had a question at our last meeting about our bus garage flag not being lit and I will report on that item.


3. Pouring Rights – I will be reporting on the negotiations between Pepsi and Coke for pouring rights. Pepsi offered us an $11,000 cash package. Coke had initially agreed to $23,000 per year and has increased that amount to $25,000 per year. I will be recommending to you that at our next board meeting (April 10th) the Board of Education authorize me to enter into a contract with Coca-Cola. Please see the enclosed information for your review.


4. Mentor Teacher Presentation – As you know, this year we began our mentor teacher program pairing up experienced retired teachers with new teachers in order to help improve their effectiveness. Marcia Standera, along with some of the other teachers involved, will be reporting on this worthwhile program.


5. School District Report Cards – We received our school report cards today. They are enclosed for your review. You will notice that generally we made positive improvement over the previous year’s results. However, we still have a long distance to go in order to be a school of excellence. Mr. Spring will review the reports with you. They are being released to the papers the day of our board meeting.


6. April Meetings – We are scheduled to meet on April 10th and 29th. We are required to have a meeting on April 24 in order to vote on the BOCES budget and candidates. Our final board meeting in April is a three-board meeting hosted by the Town of Ontario. Town Supervisor Dick Clark says they are unable to meet the 29th and he hopes to be able to change the meeting to the 24th. We need to make some decisions about this.


7. Budget Discussions - We will continue our discussion about the budget. I will pass out possible cuts to you and review the process we will use in public session, though no names will be mentioned. I will then be looking for direction from you. Do you wish us to continue to cut down to the 4% or is there some other higher number that you might be satisfied with? The reason I wish to discuss this is I don’t want to bring the administration through the torment of cutting additional teachers in order to reach that 4% only find out that indeed we are not going to go that far. Making these kinds of decisions is very demoralizing for people who are very close to their staff. Please understand we will make those decisions and we will do absolutely what the board requires of us but I don’t want them to do things that they don’t have to do.


8. Items for Board Approval Wayne has written the bus reserve resolution which is enclosed in your packet. We also need to appoint a fire marshall. Please see the enclosed letter from Mr. Atseff. Our substitute rates were presented at our last meeting. We have once again enclosed a chart that compares our rates to other areas. It also shows our starting salaries for each area. Board of Education members asked, “If we are trying to maintain good staff and pay people decent salaries, and if we stepped up to do that in our teachers negotiations, our CSEA negotiations, and are doing it in our administrative unit, do we want to pay our substitutes so little?” I thought that was a very good question and I felt we needed to have additional conversation about it. Mr. Atseff and Mr. Pearles met to discuss this. As you can see, they have revised their recommendations upward to better reflect area districts.


9. Policy – Policy Committee Chair Mr. Triou will report on the committee’s progress.



1. State Budget – My weekly Superintendent newsletter has no good news on a state budget. The groups still haven’t agreed upon how much money will be available for the budget (commonly called the avails). It is possible a late April bedget will be agreed upon. I don’t believe that will happen as the revenues continue to fall short of even the Governor’s conservation predictions.


2. BOCES – Today BOCES has asked if we would be interested in retaining just the elementary ED program. I don’t know if that means moving all the children to OE or keeping it as is. I’ll let you know when I have more information.


3. Events -

3/26 - Districtwide Choral Concert, HS Performing Arts Center, 7:00 PM
3/26 – Policy Committee Meeting Minutes – District Office - 4:00 p.m.
3/28 – Ontario Elementary Easter Breakfast – 7:30 a.m.
4/2 – OP/OE PTA Meeting – OE Café – 3:30 p.m.
4/3 – half day session at Wayne
4/4 – High school National Honor Society Talent Show – PAC –

4. Correspondence:
a. Policy Committee Meeting Minutes
b. Substitute Rates
c. Tenure Update
d. Annual Meeting Notice - BOCES
Pouring Rights


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Att. a


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DATE: Thursday, March 12, 2002 TIME: 4:00 p.m. PLACE: District Office

PRESENT:     Policy Committee Members Trustees Triou, Lyke, Ratcliffe, Mr. Havens, Mr. Switzer
GUEST:   Nancy Hans, Erie #1 BOCES Policy Review Service
PRIOR MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of March 7, 2002 were filed as presented.
Updates/Visit: Erie #1 BOCES, Policy Service: Nancy Hans met with committee today for follow-up from February 12th meeting and to continue detailed review of new §7000. Committee will review new §8000 at its next meeting and share revisions/suggestions with Nancy.
Nancy shared sample of policy for new state attendance regulations. Mr. Havens is working with a staff committee on this topic.

Tuesday, March 26, 2002 @ 4:00 p.m. @ the District Office
Thursday, April 11, 2002 @ 4:00 p.m. @ the District Office (w/ Mrs. Hans, Erie #1 BOCES)
Tuesday, May 7, 2002 @ 4:00 p.m. @ the District Office
Thursday, May 30, 2002 @ 4:00 p.m. @ the District Office
Discussion of: Review §8000 (Erie #1) for comments to Nancy Hans
● Discussion on: Feedback on §5300.1 to §5300.12 & Annual Review of §5000 (Existing Policy)
Discussion of: Annual Review of §3000 & §4000 (existing policy)
Status Report: Review of Needed Regulations (existing policy)
ADJOURNMENT:     6:00 p.m.             Recorded by Jim Switzer


Att. b

Substitute Rates


District Canadaigua Gananda Newark Pal- Mac Victor Webster     Wayne 2002-2003


              average     Wage Rate






Teacher Aide








Bus Driver


Food Svc. Hpr













Gananda teacher rate increases after set # of days.
Newark sliding rate based on # of days and whether a retiree
Pal-Mac subustitute teacher’s rate is a sliding scale; as is bus drivers based on bus size and longevity
Webster’s ranges reflect education and experience
BOCES tutor rate is $14/hr and $7 half hour preparation

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Att. c


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Office of Human Resources
To:    Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
From:    Bob Pearles
Re:    Tenure Update
Date:    March 21, 2002
At the April 10, 2002 Board of Education meeting, a tenure recommendation on Deborah Phalen, Teaching Assistant assigned to the Computer Lab at Freewill Elementary School will be presented.

Att. d  

March 20, 2002
MEMO TO:  School Board Members,
 Superintendent and District Clerk
FROM:  Lynn Gay, BOCES Board President
SUBJECT:  Open House, Dinner and Annual Meeting
On behalf of the Wayne-Finger Lakes Board of Cooperative Educational Services, I would like to invite you to attend our 31st Annual Meeting scheduled for Thursday, April 11, 2002 at the Wayne Technical and Career Center, 4440 Ridge Road in Williamson.
The format of this annual event has been designed to create exciting hands on activities that evening for you. Beginning at 6PM the Finger Lakes and Wayne Technical and Career Centers will co-host an open house and dinner. Technical and Career Education students from throughout the region will be exhibiting and demonstrating their projects and skills as well as showing you examples of how New York State academic standards are integrated into their program of studies. While all this is taking place, dinner will be prepared and served by culinary arts students at various food stations throughout the Center. Student hosts will escort our guests through the Center.
Registration begins at 5:45 PM, the open house and dinner are from 6-7:15 PM, and the annual meeting begins at 7:30 PM. We will adjourn at approximately 9 o’clock. An agenda, flyer, and map of the location are enclosed. We believe this will be an exciting evening and encourage you to join us.
A registration form for attending the open house/dinner and annual meeting has been sent to the superintendent’s office and is included with this letter. We have asked for reservations by Friday, March 29. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the District Superintendent's office at (315) 332-7284 or me at (585) 657-6895.

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Wayne-Finger Lakes Board of Cooperative Educational Services

On Thursday, April 11, 2002, the Wayne-Finger Lakes Board of Cooperative Educational Services will hold its 31st Annual Meeting at Wayne Technical and Career Center, 4440 Ridge Road, Williamson. The format for the meeting is as follows:
5:45 – 7:30 PM Registration
6:00 - 7:15 PM  Open House (Student Exhibits and Demonstrations) and Dinner
7:30 PM Annual Meeting
Pledge of Allegiance
Introduction of BOCES Board Members
Notice of Call to Meeting
Approval of Minutes of 2001 Annual Meeting
and Treasurer's Report
BOCES Board President Comments
Introduction of and Comments by Candidates for BOCES Board
Review of Component District Voting Procedures on
BOCES Administrative Budget and Election of BOCES Board Candidates on April 24, 2002
Review of 2002-03 Proposed Administration and
Program Budgets
· Student Presentations
Strategic Vision and BOCES Accomplishments
Closing Remarks
Please RSVP to Carolyn Robinson, BOCES Board Clerk, by Friday, March 29 by using the form below. Should you have any questions, please call (315) 332-7284.


 Thursday, April 11, 2002
PERSONS ATTENDING: Please print names and indicate what functions individuals will attend.
Open House/ Dinner Mtg       Open House/Dinner Mtg
                                              ( ) ( )                                           ( ) ( )
                                              ( ) ( )                                           ( ) ( )
                                              ( ) ( )                                           ( ) ( )
                                              ( ) ( )                                           ( ) ( )
G Our district will not be represented at the Annual Meeting.
SUPERINTENDENT'S SIGNATURE: ______________________________________________
 Please return this form to Carolyn Robinson, BOCES Board Clerk
 by no later than Friday, March 29
 FAX: (315) 332-7425

Att. e

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March 21, 2002    Committee on Special Education meeting  7:30 a.m., District Office
March 26, 2002    Policy Committee meeting        4:00 p.m., District Office  
WEDNESDAY,    Board of Education meeting      6:30 p.m., District Office
March 27, 2002     (Intent to Conduct Executive Session Prior to Business Meeting @ 7:30 p.m.)
March 28, 2002    Committee on Special Education meeting  7:30 a.m., District Office      
April 3, 2002    Building Planning Team meeting      8:00 a.m., Freewill Elem Sch  
April 4, 2002    Committee on Special Education meeting  7:30 a.m., District Office
TUESDAY,      Building Planning Team meeting    8:00 a.m., Ontario Prim Sch
April 9, 2002    
Eagle Visions Team meeting      2:15 p.m., High School
WEDNESDAY,    Committee on Pre-School
April 10, 2002    Special Education meeting        9:30 a.m., District Office
Board of Education meeting      6:30 p.m., District Office  
        (Intent to Conduct Executive Session Prior to Business Meeting @7:30 p.m.)
THURSDAY,     Committee on Special Education meeting  7:30 a.m., District Office
April 11, 2002    
Policy Committee meeting        4:00 p.m., District Office  

This public meeting posting is
made pursuant to §99 (1&2)of
the NYS Public Officers Law
(Open Meetings Law)

PLEASE POST         BY:……………………………
School Clerk
DATED District: March 19, 2002

Att. f



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ayne Central Schools

Office of the Superintendent
To:  Board of Education
From:   Michael Havens
Greg Atseff
Date:   3/21/02
Re:  Pouring Rights


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