PO BOX 900
    WILLIAMSON NY 14589­0900
    February 14, 2002
    Last night’s Board of Education Meeting began with Public Participation. Several audience
    members commented on the formation of booster clubs in the District. As a result of this
    discussion a meeting will be scheduled in March so that interested parties can discuss
    possibilities. Board of Education trustees reported on their various activities and committee
    responsibilities. Trustee Gretchen Craft reported on her Middle School visit, attendance at a
    wrestling match and that night’s PTSA Meeting. Vice­President Bill Herbert reported on his
    visits to classrooms during his European business trip and meetings he has been attending as part
    of the Negotiations teams for both the CSEA and WFA. President Bucky Jordan also reported on
    his attendance at the Negotiations meetings, that night’s PTSA Meeting and a regional BOCES
    Meeting he attended.
    Under the Consent Agenda classified and certified substitutes were approved. David Eller was
    appointed as a cleaner in the Middle School and Annette Whitmore was approved as Co­
    Instructor for the Drill Team.
    The Board Report focused on the District’s Academic Intervention Services Program (AIS).
    Numbers of students served, types of services provided, criteria for entry into the program and
    student report card grades were reviewed. Using student report card grades as a measure of
    success for the programs yielded varied results. Some programs and services seem to be more
    successful than others. This data will be followed quarterly using our student management
    software to further track what effect services are having on student’s academic grades. Another
    recommendation, which will be followed upon, has to do with students who are being monitored.
    There are some students who are not meeting with success when looking at the report card grades
    they are receiving. From this point on all students receiving AIS Services will be reviewed by
    each building quarterly to determine if additional services are warranted.
    The policy on fundraising was tabled till the next meeting and the Board approved an easement to
    move an RG&E pole near the Middle School.
    Under New Business the first draft of the 2002­2003 budget was reviewed. The overall budget
    increase is 3.5%. This increase is due to rising medical insurance cost, Special Education
    increases and salary increases. The only new positions are the addition of 1.5 Teacher Assistants.
    These Assistants will work with teachers in the new computer labs, which will be in place after
    the Technology Project is completed. The Board discussed the budget increase, felt it was
    reasonable, but felt that further increases in revenue would be needed to support this budget
    increase. If there are no additional revenues, then they will be asking for further decreases to the
    Also, under New Business, the Shared Decision Making Plan was re­certified.
    During Public Participation, the Varsity Wrestling team was recognized for winning the Finger
    Lakes West Division and the Varsity Cheerleading Squad was recognized as the County

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