1. Encyclopedia: (General)
    1. Books With One Author:
    2. Books With Two Authors:
    3. Books With More Than Two Authors(et al means "and others" in Latin)
    4. Book With One Editor
      1. Book With Two or More Editors
    5. Mieder, Wolfgang and Stewart Kingsbury, eds. Dictionary of American Proverbs. New York: Oxford Universtiy Press. 1992.
    7. Magazine (print version)
    8. Author of article Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Name of the Magazine. Day of the Month Year: page numbers.
    9. Newspaper Article (print version)
    10. Example:
    11. Internet

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Works Cited Guide (MLA)
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Encyclopedia: (General)
Author of article Last Name, First Name(if author given) “Title of article.” Name of Encyclopedia. Date.
“Daughters of the American Revolution.” Encyclopedia Americana. 1999.
Needham, Wesley. “Dali Lama.” Encyclopedia American. 1999.


Books With One Author:

Books With One Author:
Author’s Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. City of Publication: Name of Publisher, Date.
Levine, Ellen. Freedom’s Children. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1993.

Books With Two Authors:

Books With Two Authors:
Author’s Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. City of Publication: Name of Publisher, Date.
Franck, Irene, and David M. Brownstone. Clothiers. New York: Facts on File Publications, 1987.


Books With More Than Two Authors(et al means "and others" in Latin)

Books With More Than Two Authors(et al means "and others" in Latin)
First Author’s Last Name, First Name, et al. Title of Book. City of Publication: Name of Publisher, Date.
Ottoman, James, et al. Exploring Architecture. 2nd ed. New York: Bantam,

Book With One Editor

Book With One Editor
Editor’s Last, Name, ed. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Date.
Norton-Taylor, Duncan, ed. The Celts. New York: Time Life Books, 1974.

Book With Two or More Editors

Book With Two or More Editors
Editor’s Last Name, First Name and Editors First Name, Last Name, eds. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Date.

Mieder, Wolfgang and Stewart Kingsbury, eds. Dictionary of American Proverbs. New York: Oxford Universtiy Press. 1992.

Mieder, Wolfgang and Stewart Kingsbury, eds. Dictionary of American Proverbs. New York: Oxford Universtiy Press. 1992.



Magazine (print version)

Magazine (print version)

Author of article Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Name of the Magazine. Day of the Month Year: page numbers.

Author of article Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Name of the Magazine. Day of the Month Year: page numbers.
Crumley, Bruce. “Terror Attacks.” Time. 11 Feb. 2002.


Newspaper Article (print version)

Newspaper Article (print version)
Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Newspaper. Day Month Year.


McCarthy, Sheryl. “IOC Was Right the First Time.” Syracuse Post Standard. 11 Feb. 2002.


Online Magazine, Newspaper, or Journal
Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Title of Magazine/Newspaper.
Day Month Year.(of article) Day Month Year.(accessed) <url>.           
Harding, Gareth. “Surfing the Nile.” Time Magazine 4 Feb 2002. 12 Feb. 2002. <http://www.time.com/time/europe/ta/oyot/0,9868,199235,00.html >.

Magazine/Newspaper Article from Ebsco Database
Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Title of Magazine/Newspaper. Month Day Year: Page. Ebsco. Online. Day Month Year.(accessed) <url>.
Smith, T. "Salt Lake City – Olympics 2002." Teaching PreK-8. Jan. 1, 2002: 5.
Ebsco. Online. 11 Feb. 2002. <search.epnet.com>.


Website With Author Given:
Author’s Last Name, First Name. Title of Web page. Day Month Year. (Date Posted)
Day Month Year. (Date Accessed)<url>.
Carroll, Robert Todd. The Skeptic's Dictionary: Witches and Sorcerers. 21 Feb 1998.
22 March 2001. <http://dcn.davis.ca.us/~btcarrol/skeptic/witches.html >.

Website With No Author Given:
Title of Web page. Day Month Year. (Date Posted If Available) Day Month Year. (Date Accessed)<url>.
Animal Planet. 2002. 11 Feb. 2002. http://www.animal.discovery.com .

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