2. Rocks to know and be able to located and describe using ESRT

Atom      element    compound    molecule
Proton      neutron    electron    atomic number
Atomic mass    mineral    crystal      silica tetrahedron
Color      streak      hardness    Moh’s hardness scale
Cleavage    fracture    acid test    special properties
Silicate      carbonate    iron oxides    sulfides
Minerals to be familiar with: all minerals on the ESRT!
** be able to identify using a periodic table the proton, electron, neutron numbers of individual atoms
** be able to identify element names by both symbol to name and name to symbol (iron = Fe and Fe = iron)
** be able to list 2 different kinds of crystal shapes
** be able to draw a silica tetrahedron and identify the atoms in the molecule
** be able to use properties listed along with the ESRT to identify minerals
** be able to identify Moh’s hardness scaled for numbers 1,3,5,7 with tools
** be able to identify minerals that would be affected by acid
** be able to identify 4-7 minerals with special properties
** be able to use the igneous mineral chart to identify percentages and amounts of certain minerals in an igneous rock

Igneous    magma    lava    sedimentary    
Mafic      felsic    texture    clastic      chemical
Organic    silica    calcite    iron oxide    grain sizes
Stratification    fossils    metamorphic     regional metamorphism  
Foliation    contact metamorphism    rock cycle

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Rocks to know and be able to located and describe using ESRT
Granite      gabbro        rhyolite  obsidian  pumice    
Sandstone    conglomerate    shale    limestone  rock salt
Gypsum    schist      gneiss    slate
** Be able to identify grain sizes and composition for any sedimentary rock
** Be able to use vocabulary words related to each class of rocks from the rock cycle
** Be able to list the properties of each kind of rock
** Be able to take a well defined rock and identify its class by using its characteristics
** Be able to describe the environment that each rock type was created.
** Be able to look at New York State Bedrock Map and identify regions with certain types of bedrock, and classify each region as to rock class (I, S, M)

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