PO BOX 900
    WILLIAMSON NY 14589­0900
    January 25, 2002
    The January 23
    Board meeting began with Committee Reports. Laurie Verbridge reported on the
    Bicentennial Committee happenings and the DARE Graduation she had attended. Gretchen Craft
    reported on her recent visit to the Bus Garage and the facility improvements that have recently happened
    there. Trustee Deb Larson reported on her attendance at the parent focus group meeting the week before
    and her attendance at the Technology Committee Meeting. President Richard Jordan shared information
    from the Town Board Meeting he had attended the previous evening. At that meeting he learned that the
    roadwork in front of the Middle School is scheduled for 2005 and will inclu de a pull­off area in front of
    the Middle School, installed curbing and a sidewalk. Consideration will be given to the school schedule
    so that disruption of transportation can be minimized.
    Under the Consent Agenda substitutes were approved and 2 resignations were accepted.
    Mark Hill was approved as a Senior Bus Mechanic and Aaron DeNeef was approved as a Bus Mechanic.
    The Financial Report on Extra­Classroom Funds was tabled until the February Board Meeting.
    Building Principals reported on recent happenings in their buildings. Elementary School Principal, Anne
    Ressler, played a videotape from Channel XXI on which Williamson students shared book reviews.
    Middle School Principal, Russ Kissinger, shared data showing a decrease in the number of students who
    had been sent out of class to the Restricted Work Room. Dan Starr’s report focused on successes of the
    High School students in the recent month which included Allison Huff’s placing 1
    in the Greater
    Rochester American Legion Oratorical Competition
    An extensive report on the District’s Reading Program was shared by Wendy Feeney, Director of
    Curriculum and Instruction. The report focused on programs that have been initiated in each building,
    data showing rates of growth and suggestions for future steps. Increasing reading achievement and
    ensuring that all students can read at or above grade level have been major goal areas over the past three
    Under Old Business, one policy was given final approval and discussion begun on revising the policy of
    fundraising. The policy of fundraising will be reviewed again at the next meeting. Approval was given
    by the Board for funding for the upcoming Technology Project. The project was approved by the voters
    in May of 2000 and work is scheduled to begin in March.
    Under New Business the AFS trip to LeNoir, N.C. was approved. A petition to the Town Board for a
    reduced speed zone in front of the Middle School was also approved. Scott Kingsbury was approved for
    tenure and the employment of a Middle School Special Education Teacher was terminated.
    Notice of the upcoming meetings and the Focus Group Meeting on January 30
    in the Middle School
    ­Purpose Room was given. All community members who have not attended a focus group this
    winter are welcome to attend.

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