Scanning Images
    NB: Basically there are two kinds of scanning: scanning pictures and scanning text. It is important that
    you understand that there is difference.
    Scanning Pictures
    Click SCAN and then click Save As…
    You will need to tell the computer three things:
    Scanning pictures is easier than scanning text.
    Quite simply a scanner takes a picture of what’s on
    the scanner bed, very much like a copy machine
    does. A scanner translates the image into an
    electronic file. That file can be used on a web page,
    in a word processing document, sent with an email,
    or just for printing.
    Where you want to save the file,
    What you want to name the file, and
    What format you want the file to be.
    Log on
    to the network before proceeding.
    Place the document to be scanned face down on the
    scanning bed. Make sure that it’s flat or the image
    will be distorted.
    Open the scanning software.
    Click on the preview button
    This process will scan the entire page. Often we do
    not want the entire page just part of it.
    Where to save
    : Your home directory (the one with
    your last name and first initial) on the server is the
    best place to save these picture files.
    The next step is to “outline” the desired area. After
    the scanned image appears you will see a + on the
    screen and moving your mouse should move the +.
    Place that + just
    and to the
    of the image
    you wish to capture. Holding down the mouse
    button drag the + to the lower right corner of the
    image you wish to capture. A dotted rectangle
    should appear around this image.
    : You may call the file anything you like but
    the name should not include any punctuation—no
    periods, commas, slashes, etc.
    : GIF and JPG both work great for sending
    via email, placing on a web page, or importing into
    HyperStudio or AppleWorks. TIFF files are okay
    but are large and cannot be read by just any
    Adjusting the outline: Using the mouse point to the
    right side of the rectangle until it looks like an
    double pointed arrow (
    ), click and hold the
    mouse button down then move that edge just to the
    right of the desired portion. Adjust the left (
    top (
    ) and bottom (
    ) sides until the dotted
    rectangle contains only desired area. You can click
    on the
    button to zoom in on the rectangular
    region for finer adjustments.
    Clicking Save at this point will scan the portion of
    the image that you have outlined and save with the
    name that you gave it.
    See reverse for more tips on images and computers.

    Pictures and Files
    The size of an electronic image is a very important
    element in good scanning. Files that are too large
    are difficult to work with. Large files can take
    forever to download from email or the Internet.
    Files that are too small are often too grainy to look
    There are three elements that effect the size of the
    picture file. They are the size of the item to be
    scanned, the format of the saved image and the
    resolution or number of dots­per­inch that you
    choose when you scan.
    You really can’t do much about the size of the
    image to be scanned but you can control the file
    format and number of Dots Per Inch—DPI.
    The larger the dpi the larger the file. 72 or 144 dpi
    is best for placing pictures on web pages and
    sending email but pictures scanned at 72 dpi can
    look grainy.
    You can scan up to 1200 dpi but that will create a
    very large file that will take a long time to move on
    the Internet or email. 1200 dpi files (unless from
    tiny pictures) cannot be imported into AppleWorks
    or HyperStudio.
    You can change the dots per inch by clicking on
    menu and then clicking
    . This will
    but a box on the tool bar that will allow you do
    adjust the dpi.
    The file formats of JPG and GIF are usually the
    smallest. With TIF (TIFF) being the largest. The
    same picture scanned at the same dpi can be ten
    times larger in TIF then in JPG.
    At the bottom of the scan window there is an
    indicator of the size of the file. Files going out on
    the Internet should be kept under 200k. Files larger
    that 1,000k (1.0 M) can take a long time to down
    load from a home computer using a dial up line and
    should be avoided if possible.

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