1. Annual Notification


Grievance procedures are designed to resolve conflicts that may arise among various members of the staff. These procedures are defined in collective bargaining agreements. Staff members have the right to present complaints and grievances in accordance with the established procedures free from coercion, interference, restraint, discrimination or reprisal.
The district shall implement a multi-stage grievance procedure and an appelate stage for the settlement of grievances pursuant to the General Municipal Law. In addition, the district shall implement procedurews and regulations and designate an employee to carry out the responsibilites under Title IX and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act or the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA).
This policy and accompanying regulation 9140.1R) provide grievance procedures for those employees not covered by collective bargaining agreements or whose negotiated agreements do not include grievance procedures. Staff complaints that are not covered under the General Municipal Law, or cannot be resolved under procedures of Title IX and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act or the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) shall be subject to the discretion of the Board of Education as to the method by which the complaint may be brought.

Annual Notification

Annual Notification

At the beginning of each school year, the district shall publish a notice of the established grievance procedures for resolving complaints of discrimination due to sex and/or disability to parents/guardians, employees, eligible students and the community. The public notice shall:
(1)   inform parents, employees, students and the community that vocational education programs are offered without regard to sex, race, color, national origin or disability,
(2)   provide the name, address and telephone number of the person designated to coordinate activities concerned discrimination due to sex and/or disability, and
(3)   be included in announcements, bulletins, catalogues and applications made available by the school district
References:  Americans With Disabilities Act, 42 USC §12111-12117; 12210
   General Municipal law, Article 15-c
`    Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972, 20 USC Chapter 38; 45 CFR, Part 86
   Rehabilitation Act of 1973, §504; 29 USC §794
   Civil Service Law, Article 14
   Matter of Gatje, 24 EDR 191 (1984)
ADOPTED:  May 7, 1997

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