
The Board of Education is committed to avoiding any situation in which the existence of simultaneous, conflicting interests in any officer or employee may call into question the integrity of the management or operation of the school district.
Therefore, no person employed by the district shall:
 ● hire, supervise, evaluate, promote, review or discipline any other employee who is a member of the same family. In the event that marriage, promotion, or reorganization results in a situation not in compliance with this policy, reassignment or transfer will be effected, in accordance with the applicable provisions of any collective bargaining agreement, to correct the situation
● negotiate or execute any contract on behalf of the district for the purchase, sale, or lease of real or personal property, services of any nature, nor for insurance without first having determined the common price for such property, services or insurance, or requesting bids from all potential providers of such property, services or insurance,
● allow any matter, concern or interest, personal, financial or otherwise, to influence or interfere with the performance of his or her duties; should such a matter, concern or interest arise, the employee shall bring the matter to the attention of his or her supervisor to seek ways to reduce or eliminate the influence or interference
● hold a compensated position outside of his/her school district position that interferes with the proper execution of regularly assigned duties
The Board of Education affirms its commitment to adhere scrupulously to all applicable provisions of law regarding material conflicts of interest.
Knowing or willful violation of this policy by any employee may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
Any officer, employee or member of the public noting or suspecting a violation of this policy is encouraged to bring the matter, either in confidence or in public, to the Board of Education or superintendent of schools.
Cross-Reference:  Policy 2170 – Board Member Conflict of Interest
References:  Ed Law §§ 410, 3016
   General Municipal Law, Article 18, §§801-813
   Labor Law, §201-d
   Dykeman v. Symonds, 54 AD2d 150 (4th Dept 1976)
   12 NYCRR §801.3
ADOPTED:  May 7, 1997

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