The Board of Education recognizes that the problem of solid waste disposal directly affects our environment and the quality of life-sustaining resources. The Board of Education also believes that one function of the schools is to set an example in the stewardship of our natural resources and to develop responsible citizenship in students. Therefore, the district will act to make resource conservation an integral part of the physical operations of the district.
In its efforts to improve and encourage responsible solid waste management in the school and in the community, the Board supports a program of recycling and reuse of such waste materials. The Board directs the Superintendent of Schools to develop and implement a district-wide recycling program that will take into consideration the following:
1.  resource conservation, including waste reduction, and encouraging the use of all products to their fullest extent prior to disposal;
2.  minimization of the use of non-biodegradable products whenever possible;
3.  a differentiation between biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste materials;
4.  separation of waste materials into categories for recycling (i.e., paper, glass, aluminum, iron, plastic, etc.) and delivery of such materials to an appropriate recycling agency in cooperation with recycling efforts in the community;
5.  whenever financially viable, the purchase and/or use of recycled products; and
6.   participation of district students and staff on all levels in the recycling program. Such participation shall take into consideration any appropriate health, safety, and risk management concerns.
ADOPTED: May 7, 1997

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Adoption date: May 7, 1997