2. Use and Rental of School Buses
    3. Contract to Lease A School Vehicle




The Board of Education permits some special uses of school buses. The Board directs the Assistant Superintendent for Business to review all requests prior to granting permission for any special use of school buses. The Transportation Supervisor is also authorized to approve use of school buses for special group purposes, upon request of the party or group seeking to use a bus for these purposes.
Permission for all such use may be granted after review of such factors as the nature and legality of the use, the anticipated time a particular bus will be needed and the ability of the district to meet its normal transportation commitments.
The following requirements shall be met before such passengers are permitted to ride:
1.  an application must be filed by prospective passengers;
2.  seats must be available for all pupils while bus is in operation; and
3.  the cost for passengers shall not exceed the cost for transporting regular district students to their destination.
The district reserves the right to accept or reject any application filed, in addition to determining the maximum number of passengers other than students that may ride any school bus.

Use and Rental of School Buses

Use and Rental of School Buses
District owned vehicles may be rented to:
1.  another school district, Board of Cooperative Educational Services, county vocational education agency, or Indian tribe;
2.  any senior citizen center that is recognized and funded by the Office for the Aging;
3.  any not-for-profit organization that provides recreational youth service or neighborhood recreation centers; and
4.  any municipal corporation, as defined in Section 66(2) of the General Construction Law.
Applications for the rental of district-owned vehicles must be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee for approval. Only approved school bus drivers employed by the district will be allowed to drive a district-owned school bus.
Payment for the use of the district’s vehicle and bus driver will be in accordance with a fee schedule established annually by the business office. The organization or group renting the vehicle will be responsible for all charges.

Contract to Lease A School Vehicle

Contract to Lease A School Vehicle
The contract to lease a school vehicle must be approved by the Board of Education and will include the name and address of the lessee, identification of the vehicle, length , cost and purpose of the lease

Cross-Reference: Policy 8414, School Bus Safety
References: Ed Law §§ 1501-b; 1502; 3635; 4105 (3)
   NYS Transportation Law Article 2-F; §73 (c
ADOPTED: May 7, 1997

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