The Board of Education is committed to the prevention of violence against people or property in the schools or at school activities, whether by students, staff or others. While committed to the protection of each person's constitutional rights, including due process rights, the Board does not condone lawlessness. Any individual committing violent acts in or on school property will be disciplined according to applicable Board policy and regulations.
Staff members who implement this or any other Board policy will receive the full support of the Board and the administration.
Cross ref:  1240, Visitors to the Schools
1520, Public Conduct on School Property
5162, Student Dismissal Precautions
5305, Eligibility for Extracurricular Activity
5310, Student Discipline
5311, Student Rights and Responsibilities
5312, Prohibited Conduct
5312.1, Drug and Alcohol Abuse
5312.2, Dangerous Weapons in School
5313, Penalties
5313.2, In-School Suspension
5313.3, Suspension
5320, Student Conduct on School Buses
5330, Searches and Interrogations
8130, Emergency Plan
8212, Vandalism
ADOPTED: May 7, 1997

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Adoption date: May 7, 1997