All construction contracts in excess of $20,000 and purchases of equipment at a cost in excess of $10,000 must be advertised, bid on and awarded to the lowest responsible bidder in accordance with the district's policy and procedures for competitive bidding. No school building may be erected, purchased, repaired, enlarged or remodeled, nor will an advertisement for bids for the execution of the plans and specifications for a school building be placed in the district, at an expense which will exceed $100,000 until the plans and specifications have been submitted to the Commissioner of Education and his/her approval received. Such plans and specifications will show in detail the ventilation, heating, lighting of such buildings, space layout, exiting facilities, fire and accident controls, and plumbing work. Construction documents that have been modified subsequent to the Commissioner's approval may not be advertised for bid. The successful contractor will enter into a formal contract, prepared by the school attorney, detailing all aspects of the construction to take place.
Every district contract for construction, alteration or repair of any public building or public works, or for the manufacture, sale or distribution of material, equipment or supplies shall contain provisions prohibiting discrimination on account of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, disability, marital status, age or sex.
All contractors to whom a contract has been awarded must provide a performance bond obtained through a bonding company licensed to do business in New York State. The required amount of such bond shall be included in the Statement of General Conditions set forth in the advertisement or notice for bids.
All contractors shall guarantee that prevailing rates of wage, as provided for in the Labor Law §220, shall be paid to all workers on public projects in the school district.
Cross-ref:        6720, Bidding Requirements

Ref:   Education Law §§408; 2556
 General Municipal Law §§101; 103; 103-d; 106; 108; 109
 Labor Law §§210; 220-e; 222; 222-a
Note:  Prior policy, Policy Manual, 7000, revised

Note to District:   Section 408 of the Education Law states that only if the costs exceed $100,000 will the plans and specifications be required to be submitted to the Commissioner of Education.
Policy Adopted: March 12, 1997        Wayne Central School District


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