1. 6700-R.3
    3. 6700-R.3







1.  The Purchasing Agent shall prepare an annual purchasing schedule consistent with the users' needs and the efficient functioning of the business office.

2.  Purchase orders will include the following information:


a.  A specification which adequately describes to the supplier the characteristics and the quality standards of the item required.
b.  A firm, quoted net delivered price whenever possible. Prices shall be shown per unit and extended per budget code.

c.  Clear delivery instructions, including place and time.


d.  Budget account code number.


e.  Vendor number.


f.  Signature of Purchasing Agent.


3.  Purchase orders shall be prenumbered (imprinted) and prepared in sets of five copies each to be used as follows:

a.  Original (white) to vendor.


b.  Green copy to be filed numerically in the business office until order is closed and then filed alphabetically. This copy is used for making payments.


c.  Yellow copy is used for encumbrance and filed in the business office, alphabetically by vendor.


d.  Pink copy with packing list attached is to be returned to the business office by central stores personnel or original requisitioner after certification as to receipt in proper quantity and satisfactory condition.

e.  Goldenrod copy filed with pink copy of requisition in central stores. This copy is used for reference.




4.  Confirmation orders--a verbal order, subject to subsequent confirmation by a written purchase order, may be issued only in cases where a bona fide emergency situation exists which can be handled only by this procedure.


a.  Whenever possible, a purchase order number should be given to the vendor.
b.  A confirming requisition shall be issued immediately thereafter.
5.  Recurring items may be purchased on annual contract or periodic large order basis for delivery as needed.
6.  Frequent and recurring items relatively small in value may be procured by blanket orders issued monthly, semi-annually, or annually on local dealers for emergency needs.

7. Outstanding Purchase Orders:


a.  Notify central stores when merchandise ordered has not been received and provide purchase order number for reference.


b.  Central stores will contact the vendor requesting delivery. All delivery requests should be expedited through central stores.

8.  Merchandise to be returned to the vendor:


a.  Notify central stores if merchandise is to be returned to the vendor, i.e., damaged goods, over-shipment, unacceptable substitutes, etc. Notification should occur within two weeks from receipt of merchandise.


b.  Central stores will contact the vendor for permission to return the merchandise. The vendor must issue a credit authorization before the merchandise can be returned.

c.  Central stores will coordinate shipping arrangements for return of merchandise.


d.  Central stores will notify business office, in writing, of merchandise returned and provide purchase order number for reference.


e.  If the value of shipment returned is more than $20.00, the shipment will be insured. Central stores personnel will notify business office of the insurance number.


Policy Adopted: March 12, 1997        Wayne Central School District

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