The Board of Education authorizes the signature of the District Treasurer on all district checks. Student activity account checks shall be signed by both the manager of student activity accounts and the activity treasurer of the extracurricular activity fund.
 The Board authorizes the District Clerk, Superintendent, Treasurer and President of the Board to sign such contracts, documents, papers, agreements, writings and other instruments in writing as are authorized by the Board or required by law to be executed.
 In the absence or inability of the President of the Board to sign any of the above documents, the Vice President of the Board is authorized to sign in his/her place. In the absence or inability of the Treasurer to sign any of the above documents, the Assistant Treasurer is authorized to sign in his/her place. In the absence or inability of the District Clerk to sign any documents, the Deputy District Clerk is authorized to sign in his/her place. In the absence or inability of the Internal Claims Auditor to sign any documents, the Assistant Internal Claims Auditor is authorized to sign in his/her place.
 The Board authorizes the use of a machine check-signer to stamp school district checks with the required signature. The check signing device must be a recognized manufactured product with safeguards for the school district’s protection. The District Treasurer has the responsibility of preventing unauthorized use of the check-signer.
Ref:  Education Law §§1720; 2523
 8 NYCRR §170.1(c)(d)
Note:  Policy added
Policy Adopted: March 12, 1997        Wayne Central School District

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