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It shall be the policy of the school district to accept a gift, provided it is made within the statutory authority granted to school districts, and receives the approval of the Board of Education.
The Superintendent of Schools will advise the Board of Education of all offers of gifts, grants and bequests and shall recommend formal acceptance or refusal of such offers. A letter of appreciation shall be sent from the Board of Education to all donors.
Formally accepted gifts to a selected school building shall become the property of the school district.
In accepting or refusing the offer of gift, grant or bequest, the Board of Education will consider the following factors:
(1)   The terms of the gift must identify the subject and purpose of the gift, the beneficiary(ies), if any, and all conditions or restrictions that may apply,
(2)   The gift must not benefit a particular or named individual(s),
(3)   If the purpose of the gift is an award to a single student, the determination of the recipient of the award shall be made on the basis that all students have equal opportunity to qualify for the award and no one shall be denied receipt on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, or national origin,
(4)   If the gift is in trust, the obligation of the investment and reinvestment of the principal amount shall be clearly specified and the application of the income or investment proceeds shall be clearly set forth,
(5)   No gift or trust will be accepted by the Board of Education unless it is by a donor acceptable to the Board of Education, consistent with the goals of the school district, and
·   it is in support of and a benefit to all or to a particular public school in the district, or
·   it is for a purpose for which the school district could legally expend its own funds and would not institute a program that the school district would be unwilling to continue when funds are exhausted, or
·   it is for the purpose of awarding scholarships to students graduating from the district
(6)   No gift may endorse or imply endorsement of any product or business
(7)   No gift should result in additional or hidden costs to the school district

  REVISED: April 12, 2000        Ontario Center, New York l4520

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