1. 5420-R
    3. 5420-R
    4. 5420-R






A.  Immunization

 New York State minimum immunization requirements currently are: three diptheria injections, three doses of oral polio vaccine, one rubella, two measles, and one mumps injection. A physician's statement that the child has had the disease(s) may be substituted for the measles or mumps injections.
Students with legitimate religious or health reasons with the proper documentation to certify the condition may be excluded from the requirements.


B.  Administering Medication to Students in School 
 Parent(s) or guardian(s) must present the following information:

1.  all prescription medications taken at school require a physician's order containing the  following information to be on file in the health office: student's name, the date and  name of the medicine, dosage and time to be administered, and list of possible side  effects;
 2.  a note from the parent(s) or guardian(s) giving the school nurse, teacher, Principal or  other school staff permission to administer the medication; or

 3.  a completed medication request form (see exhibits 5420-E.1 and E.2), to be filed with  the school nurse.
 The school nurse shall develop procedures for the administration of medication, which require that:
 1.  all medications will be administered by the school nurse, the Superintendent of Schools  or his/her designee;
 2.  medications shall be securely stored in the office and kept in their original labeled  container, which specifies the type of medication, the amount to be given and the times  of administration. No change in dosage or in frequency of administration may be made  by the school nurse, Superintendent, or designee without a physician’s written order;
 3.  the school nurse shall maintain a record of the name of the student to whom medication  may be administered, the prescribing physician, the dosage and timing of medication,  and a notation of each instance of administration; and

 4. all medications shall be brought to school by the parent(s) or guardian(s) and shall be      picked up by the parent(s) or guardian(s) at the end of the school year or the end of the    period of medication, whichever is earlier. If not picked up within five days of the      period of medication, the medication shall be discarded.



 An adult must bring the medication to school in the original container. The administering staff member should clearly label the medication with the time to be given and dosage. Exceptions to the above procedures may be made at the written request of the physician, school nurse, or Building Principal, upon the approval of the Superintendent.
C.  Administering Non-Prescription Medication to Students in School
 Parents or guardians may permit their child(ren) to use non-prescription medications while in school provided they complete and file with the school nurse a completed medication request form (see exhibits 5420-E.1 and 5420-E.2)
D.  Student Medical Exams
 In accordance with Section 903 of the State Education Law, each student shall have a physical exam given by the school doctor or family physician upon entrance to school at grades 1, 3, 7 and 10. Findings are to be kept on record at the school on forms that can be obtained from the school nurse.
E.  Illness in School
 If a student becomes ill in school:
 1.  The nurse will determine if the student should remain in the dispensary or return to      class.
 2.  The nurse will call the parent, guardian or substitute parent if he/she feels the student  should go home. In general, a parent or guardian will pick up the student from school.
 3.  The nurse will contact the Building Principal if he/she feels the child should be  transported by bus to the home.
 4.  If there is to be a change in bus routing in order to carry the student to his/her home,  that decision shall be made by the administrator and the transportation supervisor.
 5.  If the route is to be changed, the transportation supervisor shall inform the bus driver.
 6.  If no parent, guardian or substitute parent picks up the student at school, or if no  parent/guardian or substitute parent will be home, the student will remain in the nurse's  office until such time as a parent, guardian or substitute parent becomes available to  assume responsibility for the child.





F.  Medical Emergency Record
 The medical emergency record on file for each student shall state the name and telephone numbers of the following:
 1.  the student’s parent(s) or guardian(s) at home and work;
 2.  the student’s next of kin;
   3.  a neighbor;
 4.  the family physician; and
 5.  preferred hospital.
Note:  Prior regulations, Policy Manual, 5118; 5119, revised
Policy Adopted: January 29, 1997        Wayne Central School District

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