1. Proposed by Policy Committee, Entire Policy New     POLICY 5260
      1. Speech
        1. Access to Communication Resources
        2. Student Publications

Proposed by Policy Committee, Entire Policy New     POLICY 5260

Proposed by Policy Committee, Entire Policy New          POLICY 5260
Presented for Second Reading on June 28, 2001

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The First Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the right of freedom of speech to all Americans, including students. They shall have the right to express their views in speeches, in writing, or through any other medium or form, limited solely by those restrictions imposed on all citizens generally and those specifically applicable to children and youth in a school setting.
It is the responsibility of students to realize that this does not give them the right to interfere with the orderly conduct of classes, to coerce others, or to violate the rights of those who disagree with a given point of view.
Libelous statements, unfounded charges and accusations, obscenity, false statements, materials advocating racial or religious prejudice, hatred, violence, the breaking of laws and school policies and/or regulations, or materials designed to disrupt the educational process will not be permitted. Students engaged in such actions may be subject to disciplinary action by school officials.

Access to Communication Resources

Access to Communication Resources

It is the right of students to have access to the school public address system, bulletin boards and duplicating equipment for school purposes.
It is the responsibility of students to uphold administrative regulations as to the manner, time, and place for using school communication facilities. Reasonable time and expense limitations must be established by the building principal. All material offered for communication must be approved by the building principal or his/her designated representative.

Student Publications

Student Publications

It is the right of students, with the guidance of appropriate faculty advisors, to express their ideas and opinions concerning the school community and the world in which we live through school publications.
In addition, student newspapers and/or publications which are paid for by the school district and/or produced under the direction of a teacher as part of the school curriculum are not considered a public forum. In such cases, the Board of Education or administration reserves the right to edit or delete such student speech that it feels is inconsistent with the basic educational mission of the school district.

                 Ontario Center, New York l4520

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