The Board of Education recognizes that student activities are an important part of the total school curriculum. Student activities including athletics, clubs, and organizations provide opportunities for students to explore areas of interest and skill as well as opportunities to learn teamwork, sportsmanship, discipline, leadership, pride, and fairness.
    Student activities are to be considered learning experiences and are to be developed, managed, and evaluated with this purpose in mind. Student activities may be co-curricular or extra-curricular. Co-curricular activities are those district-sponsored activities that are conducted jointly or in concert with the curricular program (e.g., a field trip which supplements a lesson plan, science fair, art club, etc.). Extra-curricular activities are those district-sponsored which are outside the curricular program (e.g., athletics, school plays, yearbook, etc.).
    Each school, under the direction of the Building Principal, shall develop written guidelines and procedures regulating the creation, organization, administration, and dissolution of student activity programs, including the following:
    ·   all student activity programs shall be voluntary and have the approval of the school administration;
    ·   all student activity fees should be set so that a majority of the students may participate without financial strain;
    ·   activities must be open to all students regardless of race, religion, sex, national origin, marital status, disability or other human differences;
    ·   activities should be held after classes are dismissed, or at an appropriate time during class time; and
    ·   activities at any level should be unique, not duplications of others already in existence.
    Cross-ref:  1500, Public Use of School Facilities
     5020, Equal Educational Opportunities
       5210, Student Organizations
       5280, Interscholastic Athletics
       5305, Eligibility for Extra-Curricular Activities

    Note:  Prior policies, Policy Manual, 5132; 6010.1, revised
    Policy Adopted: January 29, 1997        Wayne Central School District

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