The Board of Education recognizes that regular class attendance by students is fundamental to success in school and expects that parents will support and encourage this behavior. Legally, all absences regardless of reason or extenuating circumstance, must be treated the same. Further, the Board believes that early identification of attendance problems and effective interventions to address them are essential.
The Board directs the Superintendent of Schools, with the input of the appropriate administrative staff, to develop, and then to annually review, regulations and procedures for all students with consideration given to needs and concerns of the various grade levels affected.
All regulations and procedures must be approved by the Board before they are implemented and must include the following:

The Board believes that it is important to ensure that students are attending class as well as arriving to class on time since these are essential aspects of an orderly environment conducive to learning.

Cross-ref:  1741, Relations with "Home Schools"
 4321, Programs for Students with Disabilities
 4327, Homebound Instruction
   5160, Student Absences and Excuses

Ref:  Education Law §§3202(1-a); 3205-3213; 3225
 8 NYCRR §175.6

Note:  Policy added
Policy Adopted: January 29, 1997        Wayne Central School District

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