The Board of Education and district staff shall comply with all federal and state requirements concerning the education of children with disabilities. All students, including those with disabilities, shall be given the opportunity to earn a Regents or local diploma.
The Committee on Special Education (CSE) shall annually review the progress of all students with disabilities. The CSE shall notify the Superintendent of Schools of those students eligible to receive an IEP diploma.
Pursuant to Section 100.9 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, a student with a disability who has attained the age of twenty-one and has achieved the educational goals contained in his/her current IEP shall be awarded an IEP diploma. Upon application of a student with a disability, or the student's parent(s), an IEP diploma shall be issued if the student has attended school, or received a substantially equivalent education elsewhere, for twelve years exclusive of kindergarten, if the student has achieved the educational goals specified in the student's current IEP.
The Superintendent shall file a report with the Commissioner of Education within fifteen days of graduation, in the form and containing such information required by the Commissioner.
Each IEP diploma shall indicate on its face that it is awarded on the basis of the student's successful achievement of the educational goals specified in the student's current IEP as recommended by the CSE.
 If the student receiving an IEP diploma is less than twenty-one years of age, the diploma shall be accompanied by a written assurance of the student's continued right to attend public school until the end of the school year in which the student reaches the age of twenty-one or until the student has earned a high school diploma, whichever is earlier.
Cross-ref:   4321, Programs for Students with Disabilities
Ref:  8 NYCRR ยงยง100.6; 100.9
Note:   Policy added (replacing prior policy, Policy Manual, 6311)

Policy Adopted: January 29, 1997  Wayne Central School District

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