The Board of Education considers computer technology to be a valuable tool for education
and supports the use of this technology within the instructional program. "Technology" in this policy includes but is not limited to electronic materials and equipment such as computers, lasers, robotics, and access to online resources and automated library catalogs.
 The following reflect the district's goals for students regarding instructional technology:
 1.  to foster an atmosphere of enthusiasm and curiosity about new technology and its      applications
   2.  to increase students' knowledge level and skills in using technology
   3.  to provide access to district technological materials and equipment
 4.  to ensure that technology is utilized in a variety of applications and subject areas
 In order to achieve the above goals, the Board will seek the advice of representatives of groups within the school community--staff, students, parents.
 The Board charges the Superintendent to establish procedures for staffing and resource allocation to support integration of this technology into instruction and the curricular planning process and to report to the Board on a regular basis.
 Integration of computer technology into the curriculum is coordinated by the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and the technology coordinator. Inservice training for staff, software selection procedures, and analysis of the curriculum for appropriate technology integration are examples of activities necessary for the successful use of computer technology in district classrooms. All subject areas will be deemed appropriate for applications of technology.
Policy Adopted: January 29, 1997  Wayne Central School District

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