
User’s Name (please print:)_____________________________________________________
Home Address: _______________________________________________________________
Home Phone:________________ Parent/Guardian Name(s):________________________
Check one:
I am a  ______ WCSD student and will graduate in__________.
 ______ WCSD teacher, teaching ___________________________ in grade _____ at _____.
 ______ WCSD staff working as a _______________________________ at ________.
 ______ WCSD Community member.
I understand that my computer privileges will be revoked if I violate any of the regulations listed below. Should I commit any such violation, I also know that school disciplinary action and/or legal action may be taken.
I understand that my computer privileges may be revoked if I:
1)   Vandalize the equipment or computer data in any way.
2)   Alter computer desktops, files and/or network organization.
3)   Create documents containing inappropriate language or obscene material.
4)   Attempt to log on as someone other than self or “student.”
5)   Demonstrate any other inappropriate computer use as deemed by the supervising adult.
User Signature:_____________________________________________  Date:____________________
Parent Signature:___________________________________________  Date:____________________


As a parent or guardian of this student, I understand that Internet access is designated for educational purposes, but I realize that it is possible that a student will read, view, and hear material on the internet that may be inappropriate. There is a filtering program, which will block students from inappropriate sites. However, this is not a perfect system and the ultimate responsibility must fall on the user.
As a student, I understand that my Internet privileges may be revoked if:
1.   Proper “netiquette” is not used.*
2.   Access to inappropriate sites is not reported immediately.
User Signature:_____________________________________________  Date:____________________
Parent Signature:___________________________________________  Date:____________________
*more information regarding “netiquette” and the terms and conditions of using computers and the Internet at Wayne Central School District is in the “Computer Network and Internet Use” document in the Student Handbook.
Revised: May 11, 1999

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