1. 4327-R




  1. A written request for homebound instruction may be submitted to the building principal by the student’s family physician, the School Physician, Director of Pupil Personnel Services, or the Superintendent. The request will include the reason for the request and the expected duration for homebound instruction. The decision to provide homebound instruction rests with the district administration.
  1. The building principal is responsible for the following:
    1. assignment of a homebound instructor
    2. coordinating the homebound instructional program with classroom instruction
    3. ensuring the service begins in a timely manner
    4. ensuring all classroom assignments, materials, tests and other assessments are available to the homebound instructor
    5. sending report cards to the parents/guardians of students receiving homebound instruction
  1. The homebound instructor is responsible for the following:
    1. picking up all pertinent books, materials, and tests and assessments at the school office, and return all completed work to classroom teachers
    2. discussing the student’s progress and grading with the classroom teacher, who is responsible for assigning quarter and final grades, as well as recommending the student’s placement for the subsequent year
    3. submitting time cards on a weekly basis to the building principal, with a copy to the school nurse to serve as a record for student attendance purposes
    4. coordinating time of instruction with the parent or guardian of the student
    5. returning all instructional materials to the principal
    6. completing a report summarizing student progress in each subject/course
  1. For those students who are receiving homebound instruction services due to

    psychological problems, the Director of Pupil Personnel Services will periodically
investigate the need for continued services. A similar procedure will be followed by the
School Physician for those students receiving such services due to medical reasons.
  1. Elementary students are to receive a minimum of one hour of instruction per  school day. Secondary students are to receive a minimum of two hours of instruction school per day. Homebound instruction will not be provided during summer school.
  1. A parent or guardian must be present if homebound instruction is to be conducted in the home of the student.
  1. If travel outside of the district is necessary, the district will reimburse the teacher at the rate approved by the Board of Education. Such travel shall not exceed a one-way distance of 35 road miles by most direct route from the District Office.

Regulation approved:  2/11/98        Wayne Central School District

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