

     The Board of Education will ensure that all resident pre-school children with disabilities have the opportunity to participate in special education programs and services from which they may benefit.
     The Board authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to establish administrative practices and procedures to carry out this policy. These shall include:


     The Board shall arrange for the appropriate, approved services recommended by the CPSE. If the Board disagrees with the CPSE 's recommendation, the Board shall set out its reasons and return the recommendation to the CPSE so they may address the Board’s concerns.
    Parents or guardians of pre-school children with, or suspected to have, disabilities shall receive notice of their right to mediation services and/or to an impartial hearing to resolve complaints regarding the education of a pre-school child with a disability.
    All communication between the CPSE and the parents or guardians shall be conducted in their dominant language.

    Cross-ref:   4321.3, Independent Educational Evaluations
    Ref:  Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. §§1400 et seq.
     34 CFR §§300.12; 300.503
     Education Law §4410
     Public Law §99-457
     8 NYCRR Part 200; §§200.1; 200.2; 200.3; 200.7; 200.8; 200.16-200.20
    Note:  Policy added
    Policy Adopted: January 29, 1997  Wayne Central School District
    Policy Revised: May 7, 1997

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