It is the responsibility of the Board and the Superintendent of Schools to identify the needs of the students and to translate these needs into a statement of educational goals. The curriculum shall be consistent with and support these goals. The goals are to be reviewed by the Superintendent and the Board each year.
     The Superintendent is responsible for coordinating the development of district-wide administrative regulations for curriculum planning, implementation, and assessment which will implement the educational goals of the district and the learning standards of the state. Regulations should provide for coordination of curriculum development, program evaluation, and long-range planning. The review and evaluation process should ensure that each subject matter area is considered in turn, and will include input of staff, students, parents and administrators.
     The educational program resulting from this should be comprehensive, and provide a variety and balance of opportunities and requirements. The educational strategies should be varied enough to meet the changing instructional needs of all students.
     The program should be supported by a program of staff development and training.
     The curriculum will be communicated regularly to parents through means such as open houses and newsletters. At its meetings, the Board will hear regular reports on curriculum-related matters, such as instructional programs, the work of curriculum committees, and periodic evaluation of curricular areas.

    Ref: Education ยงยง1709(3); 1711(5)
    Policy Adopted: January 29, 1997          Wayne Central School District

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