1. 3111-R







The Board of Education will establish a search committee and/or hire a consultant to recruit and interview candidates for the position of Superintendent of Schools. The responsibilities of the search committee [consultant] will be clearly established by the Board prior to the commencement of the recruitment process. The committee, if not experienced in the recruitment of administrative personnel, may undergo training so that the process may be conducted more efficiently.
The Board will establish a budget and time frame for the process. The position will be advertised in newspapers, educational periodicals and other relevant sources. In addition, applications will be mailed on a confidential basis to candidates.
 It will be the responsibility of the committee [consultant] to determine that the candidates meet certification and other requirements established by the Education Law and the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education for the position of Superintendent. A candidate shall have obtained an appropriate certification for administrative and supervisory service as a Superintendent of Schools by:

1.  having been awarded a baccalaureate degree;

2.  having completed, in addition, sixty (60) semester hours of graduate study (including twenty-four (24) semester hours of graduate study in the field of school administration and supervision) and an approved administrative/supervisory internship under the supervision of a practicing school administrator and of a representative of the sponsoring institution of
higher education. One (1) year of satisfactory full-time experience in a school administrative or supervisory position may be substituted for the internship; and
3.  having completed three (3) years of teaching and/or administrative and/or supervisory and/or pupil personnel service experience in the schools.
 The search committee [consultant], upon receiving appropriate vitae from candidates, will conduct an initial interview with qualified individuals. The committee [consultant] will then screen those candidates interviewed. The entire Board will then conduct a series of second interviews with those candidates selected by the committee [consultant], and select a new Superintendent from those interviewed by the Board.
A contract will be negotiated between the Board and the Superintendent. The remaining candidates will be notified of the selection and the new Superintendent will be announced. The committee will be dissolved by the Board and an orientation process will be established for the newly selected Superintendent.
Note:   Regulation added

Policy Adopted: July 24, 1996  Wayne Central School District

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