The Board of Education and the Administrative staff shall assist each new Board member-elect to become familiar with and to understand the Board's functions, policies and procedures, and the school district's operation before taking office. Each Board member-elect shall, as soon as possible,
1.  be given selected materials covering the function of the Board and the school district, including (a) policy manual, (b) copies of key reports prepared during the previous year by school Board committees and/or the administration, (c) the School Law Handbook prepared by the New York State School Boards Association, (d) access to minutes of Board meetings of the previous year, (e) latest financial report of the district, (f) copies of pertinent materials developed by the New York State School Boards Association, and (g) any other materials which may be deemed helpful and informative;*
2.  be invited to attend all Board meetings and functions, including executive sessions, and to participate in discussion. The Board President will explain to each new Board member-elect the need to ensure the confidentiality of all discussions and/or actions which occur in executive session;
3.  be invited to meet with the Superintendent of Schools and other administrative personnel to discuss the services that they perform for the school board and the school district; and

4.  be invited and encouraged to attend the New York State School Boards Association's workshop for New School Board Members.
Note:  Policy added
*  The Board may wish to provide new Board members with The Sunshine Laws, an Assoc- iation publication which discusses the Open Meetings Law, the Freedom of Information Law, and the Family Educational Riots and Privacy Act (FERPA--"Buckley Amendment") regarding access to student records.
Policy Adopted: July 24, 1996  Wayne Central School District

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