The Board of Education shall schedule public hearings in accordance with the law and on occasions when it wishes to gather information and seek opinions on important issues affecting the school district. The Board shall take no formal action at a public hearing.
The time and place of the hearings shall be designated in the notice of the hearing. All interested persons or their representatives shall have an opportunity to present facts, views, or arguments relative to ideas or proposals under consideration.
At the beginning of each hearing the Board may present information on the topic of the hearing. Speakers shall be required to give their name and address. Non-residents do not have the privilege of speaking at public hearings except when permission is granted by the chair.
Speakers at public meetings, generally, will be limited to three minutes for their presentation. However, this time limit may be adjusted by the chair if the size of the audience or the number of requests to speak is small and an increase in the time would not unduly extend the length of the hearing. Any adjustment in time shall apply to all speakers from the audience.
Any speaker who is out of order may be cautioned by the chair. If such remarks or behavior persists, the speaker's privilege to address the Board may be terminated.
Note:   Policy added
Policy Adopted: July 24, 1996  Wayne Central School District


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