The Board of Education encourages the participation of the community in improving education in our schools. In accordance with the regulation of the Commissioner, a district-wide Shared-Decision-Making Committee has been established to work collaboratively with the Board to develop a district plan for participation of parents, teachers and administrators in shared-decision-making and school-based planning. After consultation with the district-wide committee the Board has adopted a plan it believes is consistent with the regulation and serves the best interests of the district.
 Pursuant to the Commissioner’s Regulation the district-wide planning committee shall be comprised of the following mandated participants:

Additional members may be appointed by the Board for service on the district-wide committee if the mandated members of said committee, by consensus agree to such appointment.

 The committee was charged with developing a plan for the participation of parents, teachers, administrators, and the school board in shared-decision-making at the building level. This plan specified:

1.  the educational issues which will be subject to decision sharing and cooperative planning at the school level;

2.  the manner and extent of the expected involvement of all parties;

3.  the means and standards by which all parties will evaluate improvement in student achievement;
4.  the means by which all parties will be held accountable for the decisions made;

5.  the process whereby disputes will be resolved at the local level; and

6.  the manner in which all state and federal requirements for the involvement of parents in planning and decision-making will be coordinated with and met by the overall plan.
 The plan is not in contradiction of state or federal law, provisions of collective bargaining contracts or current board policy.
In accordance with the Commissioner's Regulation, the district plan was adopted at a public meeting held before February 1994 and was submitted to the BOCES District Superintendent and the Commissioner and is available to the public.
Ref:   8 NYCRR §100.11
Note:   Policy added

Policy Adopted: July 24, 1996  Wayne Central School District   

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