Building teams will use the following criteria to select issues for shared decision-making:
1. The issue is valid and important, based on the potential for positive long-term impact on student success.
2. The issue is not in an area where district consistency is required. Furthermore, it is not currently being handled by another group within the building.
3. The issue has feasibility:
The team has the authority to initiate change on this issue.
Solutions are financially feasible.
Solutions do not conflict with contracts, Board of Education policy, state or federal law.
- Changing contractual language requires approval by the bargaining unit.
- The possibility exists to obtain variances to state education department regulations.
The issue will not overwhelm the group because of factors such as importance of other existing issues or the extent of planning and implementation required.
1. Building plans will be approved by building staff. They will also be presented for public review by the Board, the district team, parents, and community members.
Although the Superintendent will not be required to approve building plans, he/she shall receive them for review and comment prior to their presentation to building staff.
2. Progress on plans will be monitored periodically. Updates on progress will be communicated to school staff, parents, and community members through methods such as newsletters, open houses, and the Board report.
3. To evaluate the overall success of building plans, perception data will be collected from staff, parents, and, at times, students. Student achievement data will also be summarized and reported.
4. If objectives of plans are not met, building teams will be obliged to engage in a problem-solving process to analyze and revise plans as needed.
Disputes will be resolved at the building level. If a team needs assistance, it may take one or more of these steps toward resolution:
go back to constituents for more information
ask an outside facilitator to work with the team
bring in an expert
Note: Prior exhibit, Policy Manual,,revised
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