The President and Vice-President of the Board of Education shall be elected by members of the Board at the annual reorganization meeting in July.
    Duties of the President of the Board
     The duties of the President of the Board shall be as follows:
    1.  to preside at all meetings and hearings;
    2.  to act as chief fiscal officer of the Board;
    3.  to execute all documents on behalf of the Board;
    4.  to appoint all standing and ad hoc committees, with the advice of fellow Board members;
    5.  to act as an ex-officio member of all committees;
    6.  to call special meetings he/she considers necessary or on request of one member of the Board;
    7.  to vote together with other members of the Board;
    8.  to perform the usual and ordinary duties of the office; and
    9.  to, along with the other members, offer resolutions, and discuss questions.
    Duties of the Vice-President
     The Vice-President shall be authorized to act for the President in case of the President's absence or inability to act, within statutory limitations.
      In the absence of both the President and Vice-President, the Board will select one of its members to serve as chairperson.
    Ref:  New York State Constitution, Article 13 §2
     Local Finance Law §2.00(5)(e)
     Education Law §§1709; 2105(6); 2502; 2504; 2553; 2563; 2590-b
    Note:  Prior policy, Policy Manual, 9251, revised
    Policy Adopted: July 24, 1996  Wayne Central School District

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