V.  Bonding of Personnel
    The Board may bond the following personnel handling district funds:
    District Clerk  School Attorney
    Tax Collector  Internal Claims Auditor      
    District Treasurer  Deputy Treasurer
    Central Treasurer of Student Activity Account
    The Board may, in each instance, specify the amount of the bond it intends to obtain.
    The Board may include any of the above officers in a blanket undertaking, pursuant to law and Commissioner's Regulations, rather than bond individuals.
    VI.  Designations
     The Board shall designate:
    Official depositories for district funds
    Official district newspapers
    The Board shall fix the day and hour for the holding of regular meetings, which shall be twice each month while school is in session, unless otherwise ordered by the Board.
    VII.  Authorizations for the Chief School Officer:
    a.  to certify payrolls

    b.  of attendance at conferences, conventions, workshops, etc., with designated expenses

    c.  to approve budget transfers

    d.  to borrow funds up to $25,000 for short term cash flow needs, without prior Board approval
    e.  to invest general, construction, cafeteria, federal, and capital fund accounts

    VIII.  Other Items:
    a.  establish rate for mileage reimbursement
    b.  establish petty cash funds
    c.  authorize signatures on all district checks
    d. other
    The Board shall conduct general business at this meeting before it adjourns, if it so desires.
    Cross-ref:   2310, Regular Meetings
      5252, Student Activities Funds Management
    Ref:  New York State Constitution, Article XIII, §1
     Public Officers Law §§ 10; 13
     Education Law §§1707; 1804(4); 2130

    Note:  Prior policy, Policy Manual, 9250, revised

    Policy Adopted: July 24, 1996  Wayne Central School District

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