The New York State Division of Parole (the “Division”) has promulgated Guidelines which provide for notification to school districts with respect to paroled sex offenders residing within the school district.
 Such notification typically relates to parolees whose conditions of parole require them to stay away from school grounds and other areas where children congregate.
 Such notification contains identifying information which may permit District employees to identify said individuals in the event they enter onto, or in proximity to, District property.
 The Board desires that this information be distributed to District staff in a responsible manner.
 In the event the school district receives information from the Division regarding sex offenders, the Superintendent or his/her designee shall relay information to:
 1.  building principals;
 2.  teachers, cleaners, custodians, maintenance staff and other staff members  
   who regularly greet members of the public who visit the building;
 3.  the transportation manager and bus drivers;
 4.  the athletic director, coaches, and athletic supervisors; and to
 5.  leaders of groups or organizations which regularly use district facilities
   with children in attendance.
 The information to be relayed shall typically include a photograph (or photocopy of a photograph) of the sex offender if one is provided by the Division, his/her name and physical description, and notification that the person is to stay away from school grounds and other places children congregate. The information shall not identify the parolee’s address, place of employment, or telephone number.
 The name and photograph (or photocopy of a photograph) may be withheld from information to be relayed if the parolee has been convicted of a crime involving incest or abuse or in any other circumstances where the release of such information could inadvertently identify the victim. This decision will be made on a case by case basis by the Superintendent. The Superintendent or designee shall confirm that the information has been given to all law enforcement authorities having jurisdiction within the District. If not, such information shall be forwarded to any agency not contacted by the Division.
 District authorities should refer all inquiries for further specifics to the Division.
 The Superintendent shall establish administrative regulations to implement this policy.

Policy Adopted: July 24, 1996 Wayne Central School District

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