1. 1420-R
    4. 1420-R








Complaint procedures concerning textbooks, library material and other instructional material

 The following procedures shall be employed in handling complaints concerning any textbook, library book or material and any other instructional material used in district schools.


1.  At the discretion of the Building Principal, an informal meeting may be held between the complainant and the Principal. In the meeting, the Principal shall discuss the district’s philosophy and goals.
2.  If a complaint is not resolved informally, the complainant must file a written complaint with the Principal on a form provided for this purpose and should do so within two weeks. At this time, the complainant will also receive a packet containing information from the district's Policy Manual, including applicable curriculum goals and objectives; rules for selection of instructional materials; procedures for reevaluation of materials; and the Request for Reevaluation of Instructional Materials form, which the complainant shall be invited to complete.
3.  Upon receipt of the Request for Reevaluation form, the Principal shall discuss the complainant’s request with the school library-media specialist and notify the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction. The materials in question shall remain in use during the reevaluation process.
4.  The Assistant Superintendent for Instruction shall form an ad hoc Instructional Material Review Committee and appoint the chair. The written complaint will be presented to the committee. The membership of the committee shall consist of a library media specialist; the K-12 library-media advisor; two classroom teachers; and two parents. The committee shall:
a.  read and examine the challenged materials;
b.  consider the specific objections to the material voiced by the complainant;
c.  weigh the values and faults of the material as a whole;
d.  consider oral presentations made to the committee. The committee will determine whether any oral presentations will be beneficial to its deliberations;
e.  where appropriate, solicit advice or opinion from other district faculty and staff; and
f.  issue, within thirty days of receipt of the complaint, a report to the Principal containing the committee's recommendations concerning any complaint.
5.  In cases where classroom rather than library materials are questioned, the appropriate  teacher,  department chairperson, or team leader shall, for the purposes of this regulation,  take the place of the library-media specialist. In addition, the Principal or his/her designee  shall take the place of the K-12 library media advisor on the ad hoc committee.
6.    The Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and the Principal shall review the report of the
    committee and make a decision, and the Principal shall provide written notification to the  complainant and appropriate staff within ten days of receipt of the committee report.


7.    If the complainant is not satisfied with the Principal's decision, he/she may appeal in writing  
      to the Superintendent of Schools, who shall act on the complaint. If not satisfied with the  Superintendent's decision, the complainant may refer the complaint to the Board. The  Superintendent will deliver a copy of his/her decision and the committee's report to the  Board for its consideration.
Note: Prior regulation, Policy Manual, 6255.3a-b


NOTE: The district may wish to establish a standing Instructional Material Review Committee whose members would be recommended by the Superintendent of Schools and appointed annually by the Board.

Policy Adopted: July 24, 1996  Wayne Central School District

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