The annual district budget shall be submitted for voter approval as required by law. Any voter-presented propositions shall be submitted in accordance with the procedure specified by law and district policy. The resubmission of any defeated budget or the submission of any propositions by the Board of Education will be done at the discretion of the Board as permitted by law.
   The Superintendent of Schools shall approve all information regarding district expenditures submitted to the district voters for approval. The Superintendent shall ensure that any document, newsletter, advertisement or other communication prepared and/or distributed at district expense shall be factual in nature to the best of his/her knowledge, and shall not exhort district voters to vote to approve or disapprove any matter submitted for voter approval.
 Copies of the budget will be available in each district school building for taxpayers upon request at the time of the annual meeting and fourteen (14) days (other than Saturday, Sunday and holidays) prior to the meeting. Notice of the availability of copies of the budget must be included in the notice of the annual meeting. Additionally, the announcement and introduction of candidates for the Board will be made as well as the presentation and explanation of any special propositions contained in the notice of the annual meeting. At a Board meeting held before the annual meeting, the Board shall appoint assistant clerks and election inspectors necessary for the annual meeting and election.


 The Education Law provides that school boards have the authority to adopt reasonable rules and regulations concerning the submission of petitions to the Board to place propositions on the ballot which may amend the budget. Pursuant to those provisions, the Board establishes the following guidelines:

1.    Unless otherwise provided by the Education Law, petitions for the
 submission of a proposition must contain a minimum twenty-five (25) signatures of  qualified voters of the district, or five percent (5%) of the number of voters at the last  annual election, whichever is greater.
2.    Petitions must be presented to the District Clerk at least thirty (30) days prior
 to the annual meeting to facilitate the preparation and printing of the ballots.

3.    Propositions must include the specific appropriations necessary for the purposes listed.
4.    Wording of a petition must comply with legal requirements. If not, it may be changed or  altered by the Board, or the Board may reject a petition for failure to comply.
 Propositions received in accordance with these specifications will be placed on the ballot as amendments and will be voted upon by the voters in the same manner as the proposed budget, except that the Board shall not be required to place any proposition on the ballot which is within the exclusive province of the Board, or otherwise forbidden by law.

 The Board may also, on its own motion, submit propositions.
Cross-ref:  2120, School Board Elections
 2120.1, Candidates and campaigning
 6100, Annual Budget
 6120, Budget Hearing
 6130, Budget Hearing
Ref: Education Law ยงยง1703(2); 1716; 2002; 2013; 2022(2); 2035(2); 2105
 Phillips v. Maurer, 67 NY2d 621 (1981)
Note:  Policy added
Policy Adopted: July 24, 1996 Wayne Central School District

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