The Wayne Central School District believes that the goal of education is the all-around development of each student. The role of the school is to enable individuals to develop to their fullest potential.
The school, in cooperation with the home and community, will assist the student with intellectual, social, cultural, emotional, physical and moral growth. The school should help create within each student an awareness of civic responsibilities and respect for authority to assist the student in becoming a well-integrated, responsible person capable of assuming a vital role in an evolving civilization.
The Wayne Central School District subscribes to the general theory of individual differences; namely, that each student is an individual and has innate abilities, ambitions, and emotions. In the process of educating this individual, the program should provide a challenge while reflecting a concern for needs based on individual capabilities.
The Wayne Central School District further subscribes to the following fundamental principles:
1.   Children, regardless of potential, are capable of learning and acquiring the skill and knowledge needed to function to the best of their ability in our society,
2.   Our responsibility is to see that children learn. The energies of all participants should be focused on achieving the desired outcomes. Accountability does not end with following established rules and procedures; its essence is found in results,
3.   Minimum competence, while necessary, is not enough. Successful participation in our society demands much more. All children are entitled to approved curriculum, to instructional methods, and to expectations that challenge them to perform at their best, and help them to become truly proficient in knowledge and skills,
4.   Every child in New York State is entitled to the resources necessary to provide the sound, basic education that the state constitution requires,
5.   Each participant in the educational system should have the opportunity to effectively discharge his or her responsibility, and each participant should be held accountable for achieving desired results. This principle applies to all participants in the educational process – students, parents, teachers, counselors, librarians, administrators, the Board of Education, and others,
6.   Achievement of desired results by individuals and groups should be rewarded. Creativity in our students needs to be nurtured and encouraged. Occasional failure in a large and diverse system us probably unavoidable. However, failure should not be permitted to persist. When it occurs, with either individuals or groups, help should be provided and the situation changed.

Adopted: January 24, 2001            Ontario Center, New York l4520

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