November 30, 2001
    The Board meeting began with each member reporting on recent meetings and events they had
    attended. Gretchen Craft had attended the Town Board Meeting the evening before, Bill Herbert
    had attended the Grade 8 “Giving Thanks for America Celebration” and Laurie Verbridge had
    attended a Bicentennial Committee meeting. During this part of the meeting Steven Hunn was
    recognized for his attendance at the All
    ­ State Concert at the Eastman Theatre and a Sunday
    Building Use was approved.
    Under the Consent agenda six additional substitute teachers were approved, a monitor
    resignation was approved and several substitute monitors were also approved. Dr. Nakamura’s
    resignation was accepted with regret and Dr. Persaud was named as the School Physician for the
    remainder of this year.
    Four CSE Cases were approved and Building Principal Reports were commented upon. The
    Board conducted a first reading of policies 4000­ 5420, but tabled the review of policies 5500 –
    6130 until a later meeting. Th
    e resignation of Irene Bierer was accepted with regret and
    recognition for her years of service to the District and its students. The Budget Calendar for the
    2001­ 2002 school year was approved. Discussion on additional lighting at the Bus Garage was
    approved. The District Administration will find the most cost effective way for this to happen in
    a timely fashion. Discussion on the traffic pattern in front of the Middle School yielded a
    consensus decision to move the sidewalk behind the trees, allowing f
    or additional parking in
    front of the building. This will happen when Miller Street is repaved. This is scheduled for
    2005, although some survey work of adjacent streets has been initiated. District Administration
    will look at alternative solutions for the traffic flow in the west parking lot and for temporary
    barriers to be placed in front of the Middle School sidewalk.
    One topic under New Business was the Wayne County Sales Tax issue. After an explanation of
    the present situation, the Board passed a resolution stating that they are against any reduction or
    elimination of Wayne County sales tax sharing plan that is presently in place. Each Board
    Member also stated that they would attend the County Budget hearing on December 5
    in Lyons
    to show their support. District Administrators will write letters to the staff and parents
    explaining the situation and asking for their support. Loss of sales tax revenue for the District
    would result in the loss of $420,000. There would be no winners in the Williamson community.
    Businesses, farms and residential taxpayers would all pay additional taxes.
    Two additional items were brought up under Old Business. The use of Hal Urban’s book at the
    High School resulted in the Board asking for it to go through the textbook adoption process.
    Discussion of the School Reserve Officer resulted in that topic also being placed on the
    December 19
    agenda. At that meeting, Major Mark Fischer and our future School Resource
    Officer, Trooper Greg Brinkman will be present to answer questions. The public meeting ended
    by sharing the schedule for the upcoming focus group meetings and by recessing into Executive

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