November 15, 2001
    Last night’s meeting began with Public Participation. During that time, High School Principal,
    Dan Starr, announced that Veronica Gobeyn was the New York State Cross
    ­ Country Champion,
    as a result of the state meet she had partic ipated in the previous weekend. During Committee
    Reports, Gretchen Craft spoke of the School
    ­ to­ Work Steering Committee Meeting she had
    attended and Laurie Verbridge handed out an outline of upcoming Bicentennial events. Trustee
    Deborah Larson reported o n her attendance at a recent Safety Committee Meeting during which
    the decision was made to hold an unannounced Ginna evacuation drill. Bill Herbert gave a
    report of his attendance at the Town Board Meeting and progress on the Building & Grounds 5­
    Year P lan. President Richard Jordan gave a public response to a letter inquiring why school was
    in session on Monday, November 12
    . He explained that the calendar was set last year prior to
    the events of September 11
    . Also, with the actual holiday having been on Sunday, he believed
    the district followed the Veterans’ wishes to celebrate the holiday on the actual day, not as a
    Monday holiday.
    A lengthy consent agenda was approved. This included several appointments, a resignation and
    the approval of the financial statement for the 2000­01 school year.
    Under Reports to the Board, three High School students joined the Board in a discussion of the
    vocational programs they attended at BOCES. The students, Mike Madalena, TJ Rogers, and
    Samantha Holcomb shared their experiences and answered the Board’s questions. Twenty
    Committee on Special Education Case Summaries were approved, with one being tabled and
    later approved after Executive Session.
    Old Business included reading and revising Policies 4000­5400. Next, President Jordan asked
    all of the Board Members to review their committee goals in light of the lengthy strategic
    planning process that has begun. A lengthy discussion of a book being used as a supplemental
    text at the High School ended with a request to give parents additional information about the
    book in the December newsletter.
    The first topic under New Business was the election of members to the Genesee Valley School
    Board’s Executive Committee. The Board asked several questions about the School Resource
    Officer that will begin working in the District the second semester. The funding for this position
    came from a grant written by the NYS Police in conjunction with 12 local school districts. The
    Board also held a preliminary discussion on the role of students on the Board of Education.
    These students will serve in an advisory capacity. They will receive Board packets and on a
    rotating basis will sit with the Board at meetings and discuss issues on the agenda. The
    Superintendent will meet with these students, gather their ideas, and invite all to attend an
    upcoming Board Meeting. After this initial meeting, a schedule will be established. The last
    item under New Business was the appointment of Jocelyn Steurrys as a .5 COTA (Certified
    Occupational Therapy Assistant).
    After announcing an additional Board Meeting for Monday, November 19
    , the meeting was
    adjourned into Executive Session.

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