October 25, 2001
    Last night’s Board of Education Meeting began with a musical selection of patriotic songs presented by
    several members of the 7
    and 8
    grade choir and directed by Mark Amend. After the selections, the
    Board Members were presented with plaques in honor of School Board Appreciation Week.
    The next item on the agenda was a Public Hearing on expending up to $30,000 from the Repair Reserve
    Fund to repair the bus garage roof. After three comments the hearing was closed and the regular Board
    meeting began.
    During Announcements Deb Larson reported on her recent attendance at the New York State School
    Board Association Conference. Bill Herbert reported on his attendance at the Town Board Meeting and
    his recent work on the District’s 5­year facilities plan. The recent bus accident was the focus of Gretchen
    Craft’s and Laurie Verbridge’s recent meeting at the Bus Garage and President Jordan reported on several
    recent mailings he had received. Assistant Superintendent, Mike Stitt, replied to a request for information
    on the effect to Williamson of the upcoming Sodus Capital Project to build BOCES classrooms. He
    discussed the effect this project’s passage or failure would have upon Williamson.
    The Building Principal Reports were the first of several reports to the Board. The Board commented on
    the upcoming taping of ZOOM (PBS series) during November in the Elementary School, the Mission to
    Mars in the Middle School and the Mentor Program for seniors in the High School. Several CSE Cases
    were passed and one was remanded. Next, High School Principal, Dan Starr, introduced his High School
    Planning Team who reported on the three building action plans that had been developed this summer.
    The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed without comment. The final report was presented by Wendy
    Feeney, Director of Curriculum. It focused on the NYS test results for grades 4 & 8 Math and grade 8
    English/Language Arts.
    Under Old Business, the Board reviewed their Committee goals and President Jordan reviewed the overall
    Board goals he had developed.
    Under New Business, the Board agreed to raising the substitute rates and offering an incentive to retired
    teachers who substitute. Furthermore substitutes who substitute more than 90 days in a school year in
    Williamson will be offered an incentive upon returning the following year. The next agenda item was
    strategic planning for the District. A template was shared with the Board, which they accepted. At an
    upcoming work meeting, the process and timeline for the strategic planning process will be developed.
    The District Safety Committee and a job share agreement for the Elementary Music Teacher, Christi
    Byron, were approved. The guidelines for Board members attendance at CSE Meetings were tabled to the
    next meeting. The final action under New Business was the approval of a High School Drama Club.
    After a process check and Public Participation, the meeting was recessed into Executive Session. After a
    short Executive Session the Board approved a CSE Case they had previously remanded and then recessed
    again into Executive Session.

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