Vocabulary Words for Weathering and Erosion Weathering wetting and drying mass movement
Erosion acid (in terms of weathering) creep
Mechanical weathering resistance water budget
Chemical weathering soil profile evapotranspiration
Oxidation topsoil deficit
Hydrolysis residual soil surplus
Ice wedging/ parent material water storage
Frost action
Bedrock recharge
Humus porosity
Subsoil permeability
Water table ground water
Mineral springs sink hole
Solution suspension
Carrying capacity discharge
Base level
Gully drainage basin/
Pothole/plunge pool divide
Oxbow/oxbow lake
Meander delta
Flood plain
Alluvial fan erratic
Unsorted till alpine
U-shaped valley V-shaped valley
Kettle/kettle lake
** Be able to identify several forms of weathering and provide examples of each.
** Be able to predict how fast a rock will weather and why.
*** In terms of chemical and mechanical weathering, what type of climate would each be
found in?
**Be able to draw a soil profile and label the different soil horizons.
**Be able to calculate a water budget. Know the conditions for surplus and deficit.
** Be able to calculate the stream velocity to move certain sediments (using ESRT chart)
** Be able to identify which sediments will fall out of suspension according to water
**Be able to identify where water is weathering and depositing on a stream profile or overhead view.
**Be able to identify where a glacier is weathering or depositing material.
**Be able to calculate discharge of a stream