1. Water Table
  3. Stream Divides and River systems
  4. I/A #3, 5 CT 1-4
    1. U- shaped valleys
    2. Striations – long N/S scratches made by the glacier

Weathering – the wearing down of rock material into finer particles
Mechanical Weathering – physical changing of the rock
 Frost action – ice freezing , ice expands and breaks the rock, thaws, refills
 Abrasion – wearing down of the rock by scouring of smaller materials, sand,       pebbles
 Wetting and drying – the alternating of expanding
 Foliation – the cracking of rocks in long thin sheets over a dome are rock area
 Jointing- cracks created by the cooling of rocks that get acted upon by frost action
    and break the rock into large chunks
--the climate must be cool to cold (water must freeze) and thaw and wet/humid
Chemical weathering – the rock changes from one composition to another
 Oxidation – reacts with oxygen to form clay
 Hydrolysis – reacts with water to form clay
 Acid – carbonates dissolve, carbonic acid
--climate must be warm and wet – chemicals, enzymes only work when warm, work very slowly when cold
Rates of Weathering
 Very hard rocks are resistant to weathering, metamorphic (in general), or those rocks with a silica base, igneos rocks
 Very soft rocks are not resistant to weathering, break apart easily, water gets into cracks easily: shale, rocks “glued” together by cement that is reactive to acid
Soils can be classified as:
 Parent material – bedrock of the area that is being breaking down
 Residual soil – created by weathering and remains in the same place
 Transported soils – soils brought in from a different area – parent material is not      local, brought in by water motion, glaciers, wind
Soil Profile
 Soil Horizons Topsoil – humus- dark made of soil and organic matter
     Subsoil – made mostly of clay infiltrated through lighter color
     Broken down bedrock/parent material – weathered from rock          underneath
     Bedrock/Parent material – rock underneath
Mass movement
 Creeping –slow, unnoticeable motion down a slope, soil is usually semi-dry
 Talus – the pile of rock, rubble at the bottom of a slope
 Mudslide-water aids the the “liquidification” of the slope
Pg146 Review 1-17; P147 I&A 1, 3; Critical Thinking all
Water cycle – discuss briefly
Evapotranspiration – visual set up with container w/ dirt, water, lit lamp, plant - pour water through the system. Discuss evaporation and transpiration
 Precipitation – water being “added” to the ground system
 Ep – the maxiumum amount of water that could evap. W/ extreme climate for the area
 Ea – actual amount of water that evap for the month using real weather and temp for that point in time
 St – the amount of water in the ground “ground water” rises and lowers according to evaporation and Ep
 S – when storage is full and P surpasses Ep, shows itself as surface water and runoff
 D – when storage is empty and P is under Ep requirements. Dry conditions
Discuss – wet conditions characteristics, discuss dry condition characteristics
Do 2 exmple of water budgets – step by step for all.
Porosity – amount of water soil or rock can hold, dependent on pore space –
 Shape – round has a lot of space between
    Flat angular fit tightly together
 Sorting – well sorted material has a lot of space, not sorted has little space between
 Cement – amount of cement used to glue a rock together
Permeability / impermeable – rate at water passes through a rock or soil
 Increases w/ grain size. The bigger the grains the faster water pours through
Water Table
  Zone of saturation
 Zone of aeration
 Capillary fringe
 Discuss regular well
 Hillside spring
 Artesian well
Geyers, hot springs – briefly discuss Old Faithful, Saratoga Springs
 Minerals in the water – show a teapot with built up gunk – discuss how to get rid of built of minerals in appliances and equipment
Caverns – Limestone being dissolved and deposited by running water, carbonic acid Carlsbad Caverns , NM, Howe Caverns, NY show slides.
P166 Review 1-15 Multiple Choice - answers only
 Interpret & Apply 3, 5, 7
 C.T.A 1-6

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Running Water – mechanical weathering/erosion abrasion, chemical
Materials are carried in three ways
 Solution – dissolved materials ie calcite, limestone salt -Koolaid solution
 Suspension – muddy water, sand , silt, clay – Glass of stirred muddy water
 Bed load – large cobbles, pebbles
Carrying Power and Load – discuss different particles with their sizes and ESRT chart
V- shaped valleys, canyons, widening creating canyons, gullies, gorges, chasms
 Pothole, very large potholes are called plunge pools
Flood Plain,
Oxbows, oxbow lakes
Deltas – fan shaped deposits at the mouth, change is carrying load, distributaries
Alluvial Fans – at a mountain base where debris falls in a fan shape, semiarid regions
Pg 188 Review 1-21
CT 1-4
Flash floods – upriver major thunderstorm occurs and water washes through the drainage area, narrow valley of a young mountain stream
Dams breaking
Preventing floods – natural vegetation encouraged – particularly marsh and swamp areas to remain and left, less concrete, trees, grass

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Stream Divides and River systems
P188 Review and

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I/A #3, 5 CT 1-4
GLACIERS- a very large (1-2 miles thick) ice block that moves across an area
 Alpine glaciers & Valley glaciers – move downhill through 2 mountains/ranges
 Continental ice sheet moves across a wide expanse of land
More snow precipitates than evaporates giving build up over time 1-2”/year
As snow accumulates the ice moves kind of like gelatin, very slowly over several years.
Warm based glaciers – have a thin layer of water on the bottom, some volcanoes are actually under the glaciers – causing a river underneath
Cold based glaciers – actually frozen to the bedrock – pull on the rock plucking
The middle moves fastest compared to the bottom and the sides. Ice will crack over large drops of steep hill sides due to gravity - crevasses
Snow changes by being partially melted due to friction and pressure and compaction into dense, heavy ice very little air – blue ice

U- shaped valleys

U- shaped valleys
Hanging valleys
Cirque valley
Erratics- rocks and boulders carried by the ice get rounded and scraped and abraded. They get dropped into the land helter-skelter

Striations – long N/S scratches made by the glacier

Striations – long N/S scratches made by the glacier
Moraines – lateral, medial, terminal
Drumlins, made from unsorted till, run in N/S fields good source of gravel for building
Kettle/ lakes
Reasons for glaciers:

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