October 12, 2001
    The October 10
    Board of Education Meeting began with a moment of silence in honor
    of our service men and women overseas. During reports to the Board, Bill Herbert
    reported that along with the help of Cub Scout Troop 251, 1654 daffodil bulbs were
    planted on Herbert’s hill the previous Saturday. Trustee Gretchen Craft reported on the
    Elementary Open House and her park and ride experience for that event. Laurie
    Verbridge reported on the progress that the Bicentennial Committee is making and
    informed the Board that alumni Jamie May has volunteered to work on a committee
    investigating a skateboarding park. A recent trip to an Urban Conference was reported
    on by Deb Larson and President Jordan read several letters to the Board, including one in
    support of the Varsity Girl’s Soccer Coach.
    The Consent Agenda was approved as presented. Under Reports to the Board, the Board
    received an update on the opening school census, which is slightly decreased from 2000­
    2001. It also heard from the Middle School Planning Team. The team reported on the
    three plans they had written this summer. The Board enjoyed an open discussion with the
    team and applauded them for their efforts.
    Under Old Business, the Board discussed and then passed a resolution for repair of the
    bus garage roof. There will be a Public Hearing on this topic at the October 24
    Meeting. Board Committee assignments were distributed and President Jordan asked that
    each committee submits goals for discussion at the next meeting. The Board also
    discussed and then scheduled a Team Building Session for November 5
    Under New Business the Board amended the 2001­2002 school calendar. The graduation
    date was changed to Saturday, June 29
    and the last day for students will be on Monday,
    June 24
    . These changes were made necessary because of recent changes made in the
    State testing schedule. After some discussion the Board rescinded their approval of two
    foreign overnight trips planned for this fall.
    After Public Particip ation the Board adjourned to Executive Session to discuss a CSE
    Case that had been tabled.

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