August 23, 2001
    Dear Students and Parents,
    Welcome back to another exciting school year at Williamson Middle School!
    In a few short weeks the classrooms will be full of over 440 great and dedicated
    students who are looking to become the best that they can be. The stage and the
    athletic fields that are so quiet during the summer will again become venues where
    our students will work diligently as team players, a skill that is vital in all walks of
    life. We encourage all students to join a club or sports teams during their short
    time with us at WMS as these organizations offer the opportunity to create lifelong
    friendships and a sense of belonging to the school community.
    Student Assignment Books (S.A.B.) will be provided to each student at the
    beginning of the year. All students are excepted to carry theirs at all times as they
    are such valuable organizational tools. These books will be checked every
    afternoon prior to students leaving school to ensure that assignments have been
    written dow
    n correctly and to give students the chance to collect the proper
    textbooks needed to complete assignments that evening. Parents, you are
    encouraged to review the S.A.B. with your student each night and discuss how the
    day went. The S.A.B. is also a grea
    t tool for you to use to communicate with your
    student’s teacher and for the teachers to communicate with you.
    We are all on one team with a single goal in mind and that is to assist your student
    as they strive towards excellence. We look forward to seeing you in September.
    Russell Kissinger, Principal
    Williamson Middle School

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