September 12, 2001
    Dear Parents:
    The tragic events in New York and DC yesterday impact all Americans, including our schools. The
    purpose of this letter is three­fold:
    to assure you we are conscious of the safety of our students;
    to detail the support available to students who may need it; and
    to provide updated schedules of events after all of the cancellations.
    Student safety is always a concern, but yesterday’s attack heightens all of our awareness. Our high
    school is a safe place, but we ha ve taken extra precautions to protect our children. Until further notice,
    only the front entrance will be open to people after 8:00 a.m.
    The reaction of the students and staff to yesterday’s news was exemplary. The student showed
    maturity in their emotions and by the questions they asked. The staff are supportive of how the
    students feel and the counselors are available to help any who need it.
    We now face the questions of “now what do we do?” One of the most important decisions to make as
    parents i
    s to send your children to school. It is important to help them return to their normal routine as
    quickly as possible. We will be open as usual, unless you hear otherwise. Any closings will be
    broadcast on local radio and television.
    An updated schedul
    e of events concerning the Young Americans is on the reverse side. Please note
    Curriculum Night (open house) is still scheduled for Monday, September 17, at 6:30 p.m. (Visit our
    website www.williamson­ for the complete, updated athletic schedule.)
    I am proud of the way our students and staff responded to this tragedy. We will continue to be attuned
    to the impact this crisis has on our students, and respond accordingly. I am availabl
    e to answer any
    questions you might have. Please call the High school at 589­ 9621 or see me Monday, at Curriculum
    Daniel R. Starr

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