August 9, 2001
    Wednesday evening’s Board of Education meeting began with Public Participation and Board
    Committee Reports/Announcements. Under announcements, Board President, Bucky Jordan,
    announced the resignation of Board member, Amy BennettLepel
    . A special election will be held
    on Tuesday, September 25
    to fill the vacancy left by her resignation. Petitions for interested
    candidates can be picked up at the District Office between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
    They need to be returned by August 27
    to be included on the ballot. Bill Herbert reported on
    his visitation to the Elementary School playground. He reported that the vandalism was minimal
    but of concern. Board President, Bucky Jordan, had signed a trespassing complaint the evening
    before the Board Meeting when some of the alleged vandalism occurred.
    The Board approved the consent agenda which included approving a substitute teacher, coaches
    for fall sports and the resignation of Daralee Szklany, School Bus Driver. The Board approved
    99 Case Summaries and commended Wanda Miller for her diligence in bringing these cases to
    the Board. One case was tabled until Executive Session. The Five (5) Year Building Condition
    Survey was also tabled until a future meeting of the Building & Grounds Committee.
    Under New Business the Board set the tax rate for the 2001­2002 school year. The tax rate will
    increase 6.37% for the Town of Williamson. This is .09% lower than the rate that was presented
    at the May Budget Hearing. Although there is still uncertainty with the State Budget, the figures
    that were used last May were very close to those of the Governor’s Proposal. The Universal Pre­
    Kindergarten Program was also tentatively approved for the 2001­2002 school year. The
    program, which is funded completely by State funds, has been included in the Governor's
    Proposal as a set­aside amount. This means that the district will not receive the funds from the
    State unless we have a program in place.
    Under New Business, the Board approved the awarding of gift certificates to those staff members
    who had perfect attendance for the past year. Eight teachers and seven support staff members
    were recognized for their accomplishment. The Board approved Lisa Hendrickson as a long
    term Special Educati
    on Substitute for the Middle School Program. The resignation of Janice
    Aglietti, Physical Therapist, was also accepted.
    The August 22
    meeting of the Board of Education will be cancelled. The next meeting will
    take place on Monday, August 27
    at 7:30 p.m. New Teacher Orientation will also take place on
    August 27
    earlier in the day.
    After Public Participation the meeting was recessed to Executive Session until 10:01 p.m. when
    the Board returned to Public Session. At that time, action on a CSE Case was tabled until the
    next Board Meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:04 p.m.

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